Mental gymnastics

jealousy comes in many forms

what about what i said isnt factual? because it is factual that blizzard does not want this game to succeed. otherwise they would have done more. i mean lets be real. yall are just mad that im right. just like that gm. thats ok though. im used to people trying to find any reason to hate me. thats the result of being right about everything all the time. people get infuriated when you repeatedly explain their incorrect thoughts to them and why they are wrong. its like a show for them really, like an educational treat for them. they flock to me like birds to seed on the ground, and then fly away and never come back once theyve had their fill.

i went over your warcraft logs. delimicus let me know when your guild kills kt. mobikon let me know when your guild enters naxx for the first time.

did you know, blizzard accidentally made it so sapphiron only ticks every 2 seconds for 600 damage, instead of every 1 second? imagine… your guilds Nervous Energy and Red Eye Raiders cant even down sapphiron after its nerf? Makes me feel sorry for yall and your ramshackle band of drunk hobos that must have been cobbled together for you.