Naxx Isn't Unbelievably hard it's just extremely expensive, The game is dying Why can't we have pre patch right now?

I’m just gonna make this short and simple I think pre patch should come out much sooner than April.

I think at this point I can only speak for my server but people are leading the game on mass. Like it or not the economy on most servers is beyond destroyed.

Because of gold buying and gold selling I mean I can only speak for myself but I actually see commercials on YouTube.

I don’t know if I’m alone in that matter or not but I think pre patch would just be a lot better for the game as a whole.

Most people right Right now are doing prep for tbc. Well I think pre patch would just be better for that especially if they bring in blood elves and drain II say bring him in writing how.

So people have a reason to come back and prep at least for a little bit. As for those that are going through naxx. I don’t see how pre patch really hurts you if anything the Pre patch helps you doesn’t it?

And as as far as the argument for no one would raid if free patch were to come out tomorrow I disagree. I can say I would still want to raid and most people I talk to have the same opinion.

So I just wanna ask a simple question Why is bringing out pre patch right now A badd idea?

It would let people get used to the new talents new class changes over all And On top of that it would let people practiss for arena those of us that don’t wanna go on private servers.

Anyway just my thoughts and question


no. i’m still progressing.

go ruin something else.


Lol the majority of guilds have not completed naxx.


Lol the game is not dying on my server. Org had so many people in org yesterday it was crazy



Being a pally has never been better people should have been talking about how much money you will save being a pally before launch.


TBC came out before the majority of guilds could complete naxx. #nochanges amirite? Sarcasm of course…
Either way, I’m enjoying naxx and I’d enjoy prepatch as well.

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So, you speaking for yourself, your server or all servers?



Correct. But it didn’t come out right after naxx either. Naxx in vanilla released june 20th 06. We didn’t have tbc till 07.

Who cares who people speak for. People who zone in on that aren’t actually dismantling any arguments. In fact you’re acknowledging you can’t find any flaws and must find other ways to discredit.

You can link imgur at me all day. I can’t now nor have I ever been able to see what that says on mobile.
You are on my list of people to ignore. You’re probably bearhands paladin. You hide your profile so we can’t ignore you.

i do. i am very selective with whom I appoint as my spokesman.

Org on every Ony cooldown “head or riot!!!”


I’ll speak for you and there’s nothing you can do to stop me!

“Rozen is the coolest rogue ever and he’s right about everything!” -Robokappa


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I’m telling Zuckerberg.


Might have better luck telling Hazzikostas.

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You respond to me often.


You can, easily. Go into your profile and go to “Users” under “Notifications.” You can add Delimicus-heartseeker to your ignore list.

There are 10,503 guilds on warcraftlogs with a Naxxramas clear. There are 6,710 guilds without a Naxxramas clear. It’s safe to assume that the vast majority of guilds raiding Naxxramas use warcraftlogs, so almost guaranteed that the majority of guilds raiding Naxx have cleared it.


Bringing out pre patch right now is a badd[sic] idea because only BC realms–which shouldn’t include any realm that currently exists–should ever have another patch.

Kudos on managing to keep it at less than ten minutes and avoid the really screaming speech-to-text markers this time. Now try working on understanding that other people really do have different perspectives than you, not just slight disagreements on the implications of your premises.

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Awesome… Vanilla-Classic then TBC-Classic.

I cant wait. I wanna play Shadowlands-Classic. But before that is BFA-Classic. Going to be awesome.


Cope harder.