Name Changed/suspended

11/09/2018 09:44 AMPosted by Kozzae
they now know that reports are not ignored

Also, the process for reporting is streamlined. It used to be open a ticket and describe the name (super annoying with extended ascii). Now it's just right-click and boom, you're done.
Just wanted to touch on something you said. Words can mean radically different things in different areas, countries, languages and even communities.

Language evolves, so a word that carries nothing beyond a general definition can suddenly be catapulted into the Urban Dictionary and be associated with a highly inappropriate subject or a truly offensive one just about overnight. That's just how powerful the internet is.

Similarly, a word that was always deemed offensive in the past can start to be used as common everyday language by people without a single thought as to that words offensive past. Many that do remember don't like or appreciate it much.

Your intent behind what you named your alt actually carries no weight and can't. Blizzard can't mind-read. All they can do is look at the name and see if it's possible to interpret that name as something already deemed by the game rules as inappropriate/offensive and enforce the naming rules. They can't judge based on what you claim you meant because, well... people lie to get around rule breaking all the time.

I do and will continue to report inappropriate and offensive names, (even if I do privately snicker and think they're funny play on words at times,) because they don't belong in this game. Name your characters those names in any other game that allows it. Just don't do it here.

By the way, Darthaids is very much not OK and I can't even fathom why you'd think it was OK to name a DK that. Your age doesn't matter. I'm almost 50 years old and I sure don't find that the least bit amusing on any level.
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11/09/2018 09:07 AMPosted by Forumpost
Vendortrash on an rp realm

Non RP names on an RP realm are generally frowned upon by the denizens of those realms so it's not surprising that name was reported
11/09/2018 09:07 AMPosted by Forumpost
if an outlaw rogue named
Bootiebae offends you.... my other reported name was an unholy dk named Darthaids and an orc rogue name Vendortrash on an rp realm. I hope the majority of you don't find any of these three offensive names offensive.

11/08/2018 03:34 PMPosted by Dathrel
There's a difference between 'offensive' and 'inappropriate' btw, always important to remember.
So you are on an RP Realm. That would be why your name(s) have been reported. I fully admit that I laughed at "Vendortrash". It is amusing, but, it does go against the naming policy on RP Realms.

As for the other name, Darthaids... Yeah, that one is not so cool. I'm sure there are people out there with a dark sense of humor that find it funny. But, there are others out there that have actually lost people to AIDS/HIV that won't find it funny nevermind the fact that it goes against the naming rules for RP Realms.

For future toon naming you should go into it like you would a really important job interview/church/dinner with your grandmother. If you wouldn't say it there then you shouldn't be naming your toon that. Just use some common sense. Not everyone has a quirky or dark sense of humor so not everyone is going to get or like the names you listed.

That would be why Blizz has rules about such things =)

*side note* - All my toons are on RP realms and I see names all the time that probably shouldn't be there, but, they are funny and/or harmless so I chuckle and just keep on moving. Like "Vendortrash" I would have just laughed and went about my day. So I'm not a huge stickler when it comes to naming rules. Others are though and take names on RP Realms very seriously. But, if I came across "Darthaids" I would have been reporting that name before I could even blink. As someone who lost their sister to AIDS from a bad blood transfusion, that name is NEVER funny and never will be. Just saying.
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i used to play on Emerald Dreams ages ago, I had a char named, Exotica. had it a whole year till I got an email telling me it was tagged inappropriate. nothing i could do, so i renamed myself Exotika.

the same day I saw someone had created a char named, Exotica.

i figured someone wanted my name so they reported it. i stopped playing on Emerald Dream.
11/12/2018 02:47 PMPosted by Zaitëki
the same day I saw someone had created a char named, Exotica.

i figured someone wanted my name so they reported it. i stopped playing on Emerald Dream.

That is entirely possible, Zaiteki, but I would have recommended that you reported the character so a Game Master could take a look.
The reality is... what is acceptable... politically correct... all-inclusive... what have you... isn't a permanent thing... it's an ever-changing thing.

As such, roll with the flow, because tomorrow, what was once unacceptable may very well be the norm and vice versa.

Life happens.
11/12/2018 03:42 PMPosted by Baited
The reality is... what is acceptable... politically correct... all-inclusive... what have you... isn't a permanent thing... it's an ever-changing thing.

As such, roll with the flow, because tomorrow, what was once unacceptable may very well be the norm and vice versa.

Life happens.

Baited, please don't skew things. The policy isn't what is politically correct. It's the policy.
11/12/2018 03:42 PMPosted by Baited
The reality is... what is acceptable... politically correct... all-inclusive... what have you... isn't a permanent thing... it's an ever-changing thing.

As such, roll with the flow, because tomorrow, what was once unacceptable may very well be the norm and vice versa.

Life happens.

There is no time, nor will there ever be a time, that the names listed by the OP will be appropriate on an RP realm.
If you checked the urban dictionary for bootie that is one good reason why it might have been reported

Same for bae in urban dictionary

Your name was basically Bigbuttbabe. I'd report it too.
ITT: A guy clearly doesn't know the rules but he's damn sure he didn't break them. GG OP. When you sign in to the game there's a really easy-to-read TOS. It's written in plain english and it's not that long. It includes the naming policy which is also really clear-cut. I read it once when I started in Vanilla and I still remember it.