Free Seas Community
“Free folk of the Great Sea, they know no loyalties but to their own crew.”
You probably have already come across Free Seas as it was established in February 2021. It is home of the Rusty Nail Tavern and The Privateer newspaper. It also has played host to a number of archaeology digs and expanded to adventures around the world to get people outside of the cities.
What is Free Seas?
Free Seas is a role-playing community on the Moon Guard server of World of Warcraft that encompasses a broad range of role-play based around groups that typically don’t fall within just the Alliance or Horde loyalties.
Free Seas is not a political or faction-based role-play community. This is designed to provide role-play for those that are considered neutral, independent, or factionless and groups that would work with such entities; including but not limited to:
Merchants and Traders
Privateers and Pirates
We are open to everyone, regardless of race, and while we understand there can be tension between races, we expect an amount of respect given to all players at public events. We also do expect respect for kingdom laws when within faction-aligned cities. The world is massive, and plenty of it is not controlled by either faction. It is in these areas we live and thrive. The headquarters for those within the Free Seas Community is on the fanon island called the Isle of Blackwake, and considered outside any kingdom or nation’s laws.
This does not imply or restrict us to only evil or criminal role-play. There are many examples throughout World of Warcraft that show groups taking in races cross-faction, and they list themselves as independent or Factionless.
What is Factionless?
Factionless are similar to neutral as they do not formally align with the traditional political ideals of Horde or Alliance. Yet, they are not so naïve to believe that true neutrality can genuinely exist but strive to keep themselves on the outside and unfettered by the plots and machinations of others.
To be Factionless is to be bound by only that which you choose. Your banner, your home, your company, they are all yours to keep. How they reflect upon you is a reflection of your choices as well. There are no good guys or bad guys, there are simply those who do and those who do not. What powers and tactics that people use once free from the yoke of “civilization” is entirely theirs, and all paths are open to them.
And the one place where the Factionless come together, to meet where no kingdom can claim ownership? The seas of Azeroth, the Great Sea, the Free Seas. As long as the men of the world fight over the lands they can never indeed control, we will keep the seas free. Free of dominion and petulant claims of feeble rulers who claim territory through no merit of their own.
Does this mean we in the Free Seas will all get along? Absolutely not. But when it comes to our livelihood, we band together in the coalition of The High Table, where voices will be heard to contest those that wish to control what shall remain free. From imposing taxes, unions, laws, and imaginary lines of ownership, the authority of these Free Seas shall remain bound to no singular entity and forever guarded by us liberated few who choose to honor the privilege these uncontrolled waves grant us.
This does not stop us but encourages us to work with other projects on the server, ignoring political lines, providing support, and story help. However, we will not just be the patsy to their schemes. This idea isn’t; “They are just pirates/criminals/adventurers, so they are the bad guy.” We are the wild and untamed forces of the world who do not bow to a crown or flag just because some noble demands it. Here, conviction and strength determine who is right and who is wrong.
What is a community versus a project?
While the terms community and project are used interchangeably, we are focused on providing a community area for people who like to RP in similar or themed ways. Projects tend to have a goal to achieve a particular aim, and we are staying vague for more of a choose-your-own-adventure.
Do I have to be a Pirate?
No, while the name Free Seas does lend itself very well to pirate-style RP, it is about the factionless, and any group or individual that identifies as such would be welcomed. This would include groups like mercenaries, explorers, and the like.
Which other projects will The Free Seas be tied to?
The Free Sea will work with other projects or communities on a story-by-story basis that makes sense for that story at that time. The entire concept of the Free Seas is to be free from nation, kingdom, military, or nobility control, so we are not looking to be tied with any formally but enjoy networking with projects or communities that respect our concept.
How do I get my project involved?
If you have a project or a community that would like to work with the Free Seas for story development, you can reach out to a Key Holder.
What happened to the Rusty Nail Tavern?
The Rusty Nail Tavern is still active and part of the Isle of Blackwake and the Free Seas Community. This is the same for The Privateer newspaper.
Why Bourbon over Whiskey?
All bourbon is whiskey, but not all whisky is bourbon. Don’t lose what makes you unique by trying to fit in with the crowd.
Is there an IC hub for our gathering?
The fanon lands for the community are called the Isle of Blackwake. These lands would be an island that is off the northwest coast of the Easter Kingdoms in the seas around like Kul Tiras, Gilneas, and Lordaeron. Very similar to all the islands that were visited and fought over in island expeditions in the Battle for Azeroth expansion. This island, however, belongs to no kingdom or country. Tol Barad is the in-game proxy for the Isle of Blackawake, including the Rusty Nail Tavern, The Privateer Paper, and the Two-Handed Market. There are a lot of buildings and areas that can be used and are easy to get to for both horde and alliance players.