Kul Tiran hunter seeking active RP Guild (returning player)

Ahoy! So, I’ve recently come back to the game and I’m trying to find an active RP Guild to be a part of. I’m looking for socialization and just enjoying the game together. I’m a Kul Tiran mercenary looking for his place on the mainland.

If you know of a guild that would fit this criteria, please let me know. Thank yah!

Joined Pariah’s Den on MG a few months ago- It’s a really good group! The RP is criminal-based, with D20 and social events weekly, and we even do a content night!

Atmosphere is also super laid back and inclusive of new folks, which is awesome :slight_smile:

There is a lot of amazing guilds on Moon Guard. There is a Recruitment Fair at the end of this month in Stormwind.

There is also a Free Seas Community that has a lot of events that great guilds attend them if you’d like to get to know any guilds by interacting first.