[N-RP] Free Seas Archaeology Dig: Azsuna (Arpil 27th)

:amphora: Uncover Ancient Mysteries in Azsuna :amphora:

Greetings, Adventurers of Azeroth!

Join Dr. Rico Delbringer, renowned explorer and archaeologist, for an exhilarating Archaeology Dig at Illidari Stand in Azsuna, sponsored by the Free Seas. This adventure offers a rare chance to uncover artifacts from Azsuna’s tumultuous past, potentially revealing remnants of the Legion’s influence or ancient relics of the elves who sought refuge with the Court of Farondis. Don’t miss this opportunity to explore the mysteries of the ages and contribute to a discovery that could illuminate forgotten chapters of Azeroth’s history.

What to Expect:

  • Freeform archaeological dig with a experienced expert for support.
  • Stunning vistas of Azsuna’s unique landscapes.
  • The opportunity to trade stories and make new friends from both Horde and Alliance.
  • A chance to sell off your find after the dig to an experienced broker.

Save the Date!

:spiral_calendar: April 27th at 7pm CST
:round_pushpin: Meeting Point: Illidari Stand, Azsuna
:spiral_notepad: Cross-Faction Cross-Server Friendly!

:anchor:Join a Cross-Faction Community!:anchor:

Free Seas believes in unity and camaraderie, transcending the boundaries of factions and races. On this grand adventure, you’ll meet fellow explorers from all corners of Azeroth, forming lasting bonds with like-minded individuals who share your passion for history and adventure.

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This is such a neat idea! I’ll try to make it out there on an alliance character!

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You can come on your horde! All our events are cross faction friendly.

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Digging up artifacts in the Broken Isles, hmm? I hope you have paperwork for that!

Looks like fun! :smile:

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Of course we do… just… give me a … moment. hectic scribbling

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Looking forward to another amazing adventure! Azsuna is also one of my favorite places so expect lots of lore!

Coming up in just a couple more days. Excited to to see what treasures we find.