Mythic Plus is going in the Wrong Direction

I’m more of a moderate on the issue. I’m a big fan of seasonal caps.

This is as huge over exaggeration. Maybe in high keys, but that’s how it should be. People don’t need to be “coordinated” for even +12s.

Only if they are bad and don’t know how to use their buttons.

We already have seasonal caps?

Ok got it. You are a uber player and everything is fun and perfect. Got it. Thread can close now.

That’s not at +10s though? You can miss tonnes of stuff and tanks live if they know how to press their own buttons.

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Again, the numbers show that this season is doing well. You can keep pretending like it’s a flop, but that’s not backed by any real data.

Lol. Yes, just dismiss everything I said because it goes against your views. It’s a fact that you don’t need to be coordinated with stuns for +10s or even +12s. Overlaps happen constantly even in +14s and the keys are still being timed. Casts go through and that’s what healers are for. It’s not until higher keys where you really need to be coordinated with comms.

Ok, yep I’m wrong. All of us who hate this season are wrong. You, our betters, can continue to enjoy the season.

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You got your s3 ksh at the very end.

Why are you complaining about difficulty?

Again, numbers prove you are wrong. Keep trying to be sarcastic and be in denial.

Here’s the thing. I’m basing my argument around factual data that’s objective. You are using anecdotes that are subjective.

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I feel like if the only thing holding my ilvl back is bliz saying not yet, and I can still do the content but it just ceases to provide ilvl, I’d rather it just be uncapped. Crest gating / myth track rewards being non repeatable feels more palatable because of the difficulty. So if we’re removing that then I’m not sure people will be happy to have their ilvl progression slowed down.

I’d rather just get my means to an end as soon as possible so I can start doing the things I actually want to do.

And yet, every single day there are multiple forum posts and youtube videos about how this season sucks and most of us aren’t having fun. But yeah, the gatekeepers are having a blast. Super.


The data also says only 46 people got title in season 1 last expansion, so it’s definitely kinda suspect in its accuracy, even before you try to correct for the effect of inelastic demand.

Not the state of GD is concrete either, but it’s usually bellwether for popular opinions in the wow media sphere and subsequent shifts in design philosophy.

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Show me the numbers that show it’s a failure.

770 S4. 1479 s3.

Seems realistic.

S1 is corrupted though.

You are looking at the cutoff page. I know what you are talking about. Anything older than DF S3 is off because of the dungeons being reused in newer seasons. The only old season data that’s accurate are the actual leaderboard and run count.

It’s any season where dungeons were reused after that season ended. Basically on that page and the class representation chart DF S3 and newer are accurate the rest are not. The actual run count and leaderboard is still accurate.

I think a larger factor is blizzard spent it’s good faith. We’ve gone from a place where players enjoy the good and take the things they don’t enjoy as just part of the game to one where players don’t only emphasise the bad but actively seek it out in order to complain to fit in.

Legion had truly terrible design decisions across the board until the final patch and yet GD was never even close to this negative.

Compare that to TWW and people are literally chomping at the bit for new things to complain about.


While im not against this and understand where youre coming from, the problem is a lot of people get their reward level and stop for the season.

KSM and unsub. The faster that happens, the faster the revenue slows down. Necessary evil


Season Total Keys Completed Season Length (Days) Average Keys Per Day
BFA S1 13,425,411 140 95,895.79
BFA S2 13,253,349 155 85,505.48
BFA S3 13,671,797 190 71,956.83
BFA S4 29,679,366 237 125,229.39
SL S1 16,311,634 203 80,352.88
SL S2 20,257,547 232 87,317.01
SL S3 19,755,846 155 127,457.07
SL S4 9,683,754 85 113,926.52
DF S1 36,259,005 140 258,992.89
DF S2 27,230,415 183 148,800.08
DF S3 34,423,223 161 213,808.84
DF S4 11,212,955 91 123,219.29
TWW S1 22,158,600 113 196,093.81


Season Total Keys Completed (>+12)
US & OCE Only
Season Length (Days) Average Keys Per Day
BFA S1 316,507 140 2,260.76
BFA S2 982,734 155 6,340.22
BFA S3 1,106,634 190 5,824.39
BFA S4 5,235,188 237 22,089.40
SL S1 2,943,851 203 14,501.73
SL S2 4,536,814 232 19,555.23
SL S3 4,664,820 155 30,095.61
SL S4 2,336,596 85 27,489.36
DF S1 2,336,596 140 16,689.97
DF S2 6,113,391 183 33,406.51
DF S3 7,730,017 161 48,012.53
DF S4 3,545,284 91 38,959.16
TWW S1 7,815,952 113 69,167.72


Season Total Keys Completed
US & OCE Only
Season Length (Days) Average Keys Per Day
BFA S1 4,411,676 140 31,511.97
BFA S2 4,238,339 155 27,344.12
BFA S3 4,559,597 190 23,997.88
BFA S4 11,027,685 237 46,530.32
SL S1 5,738,104 203 28,266.52
SL S2 7,120,752 232 30,692.90
SL S3 7,450,120 155 48,065.29
SL S4 3,798,458 85 44,687.74
DF S1 13,169,515 140 94,067.96
DF S2 9,258,064 183 50,590.51
DF S3 11,148,027 161 69,242.40
DF S4 3,545,284 91 38,959.16
TWW S1 7,815,952 113 69,167.72
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If ksm was the goal then myth track wasn’t even a factor to begin with.