Mythic Plus is going in the Wrong Direction

Just out of a fresh 8 Stone-vault key that we failed in a PUG setting and I wanted to harness my irritation into a post asap.

The numbers speak for themselves. If you want people to be sweaty, then the idea of key being infinitely scalable is good enough motivation.

Now for the rest of us casuals and I consider myself casual these days, mythic plus difficulty is unacceptable.

It’s bad enough to have to wait to be chosen for a key but spending two hours to complete one key is not respectful of my time.

Things that need to happen to bring mythic plus back:

-Revert the tank nerfs. I don’t care if you have to let them think they are gods, we need more tanks and there needs to be less tank busters.

-Make healing more accessible. There needs to be clearer and more obvious synergies in healing and group wide unavoidable damage needs to be toned down some, so they feel like they spot healing more.

-Just remove a third of all the mechanics for bosses and adds. There are too many AOE atop AOE, atop kick this and if you miss this one kick the whole group dies.

I am seeing an alarming number of irritating mechanics being added to the older roster of dungeons for season 2 and again this is going in the wrong direction. I feel like they are trying to kill the game mode as of late. Right now, hype is at an all-time low. I will slog through content be it PVP/world/raid or dungeon for transmogs but I am only going to do the bare minimum for dungeons because they just aren’t fun and its only enforcing the " meta" again. Exodia comp making a return for season two given how awful its going to be for melee.


That it’s the second most popular season we’ve seen numbers past the first 10-12 weeks, only beaten out by S3 of DF with vastly easier dungeons and an extra 10 key levels lower?


Not buying it, I have seen countless mythic plus groups fall apart this season, including my own and many people just finding it such a slog they just decided to play classic instead.


Name one kickable cast that will one shot an entire group on a +8. There literally isn’t one.


Master mechanics, the caster brought entire group to 20 percent HP. Admittedly A LOT of other stuff going on but yeah.

Now maybe he was slightly empowered, and we missed one of the 20 gdamn balls that spawn, either way it’s ridiculous.

BTW remove the extra affix too.


I agree that M+ is going in the wrong direction. I don’t want to see it go away though.

I do think you brought up a good point here. If these dungeons were good enough for Mythic+ before, only a handful of years ago or less, then why do they all of a sudden need to have a bunch of new mechanics added in order to be part of the TWW Season 2 rotation? What changed about the game between then and now that necessitates these corresponding dungeon changes?

It’s possible to have challenging content that isn’t centered around one-shot mechanics. It hasn’t always been this bad. It doesn’t have to be this bad. They certainly don’t need to make it worse.

Simply put,

Trying to do as much Damage as possible = Fun
Trying to Heal as much as possible = Fun
Trying to Tank as many mobs as possible = Fun
Having every dungeon be a no-mistakes Olympic dance competition = NOT Fun.


Oh so it’s a player skill issue? Also, that doesn’t one shot the group unless your group is extremely bad.

Maybe instead of complaining you just play better and don’t miss the kick.

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Thanks, I had no idea. You got me, you solved the case. Me and the four other random are bad. and thus, mythic plus should stay as it is.

Because it’s totally reasonable to move to another vent while interrupting the cast and random balls and kill them at same time and avoid the frontal and collapse on the non-fire spewing vent blah blah.

Oh yeah AND get rid of the death penalty on timer.

I understand in an efficient group people are just synergizing, and kicks don’t overlap, and people are pumping etc. but the game has gotten too sweaty in general.

It’s being balanced like we are all part of the MDI or some crap.


Just do lower level M+.


This is a game. It’s not supposed to be fun. If you’re playing for fun, you’re playing for the wrong reasons. Get with the program and dedicate your life to esports. Ion needs you to do that. They will keep doubling down until everybody is playing the hardest content in the game.


Since they want to punish people for leaving keys, and this is unacceptable, in my opinion a key should just END once timer hits 0. Don’t pass go, don’t get to finish the dungeon.

If a timer is 30 mins, I know I have 35 mins to play before I have to go make dinner, nobody should ever be expected to stay past the timer.


Don’t try to push misinformation. Blizzard is not punishing players for leaving keys. They’re punishing people who join for the sole purpose of leaving early to grief other players.


if you want to do easy content, heroic dungeons exist. Non-level cap stuff exists.


Leave the group.

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STRONG agree. Healing is absolutely abysmal, even as S tier disc. Noodle heals, massive group wide damage spikes, it’s not fun at all in the least. Beyond sweaty, disrespect of all the players time. Worst state healing has ever been IMO.

May be a hot take but it’s simply not an enjoyable role for me.


You seem to be agreeing with me that Blizzard’s design intent is that 100% of players should be doing the hardest content in the game at all times, and that this is a reasonable expectation you also clearly have that they can and should be forced to do this.

There’s a Batman and Robin meme in there somewhere.

This is what happens with tank/dps have high agency over their own survival

Healer has to play out defensives and spot healing but there’s no power that can keep weak dps up

I was helping a pvp friend get ksm and people get 1-shot left and right to swirlies down in little baby 8s and he’s asking how he fixes that and I’m like hey buddy you don’t :dracthyr_yay_animated:


Disc priest is incredibly fun. Maybe try getting better and doing more than 3 M+s before you try to pass judgement.

Disc priest is literally one of the best healers at dealing with group wide damage if you know how to play lmao. Reacting to single target spikes are much harder for that spec.


All this means is your tank is now effectively doing a 7 instead of an 8, and will fail in the exact same way they’re failing now in a +9.