Mythic Plus is going in the Wrong Direction

No, but you need to be able to progress your character to have fun. And they’ve taken that away from a lot of people.

People can easily get to heroic raid level gear. Far more than before.

But last season they were in full mythic on their third alt by this point in the season.

I don’t think they were.

What makes you so certain they aren’t struggling in 5s?

Because last season, you needed less effort to get max rewards. To quote a very informed user:

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But that doesn’t mean people complaining about stuff now, aren’t struggling in 5s then.

It’s all relative.

Yes, it’s relative.

And I think people who can’t make it are in the minority because it’s a rather very narrow range.

So you have people complaining about rewards when they haven’t been at max reward before.

And you have raiders who abhor m+ and just want it to be easier, so they can move on to the part they enjoy.

WoW in it’s entirety is not an e-sport. Neither is the entirety of M+ or Raids. It’s only E-Sports for the people actually competing in it.

These two points are no different from each other or from previous season to now. You still pull 3-packs together and can assign CC.

Ultimately content that consistently / repeatedly rewards similar ilvl should be of similar difficulty. Sure m+ scales infinitely and it’s difficulty can keep rising, but all that actually matters is what the difficulty is at each reward bracket. People want mythic gear from vault to be easier, they want gilded crests to be easier. It has nothing to do with mythic+ itself.


Yep, they’ve managed to suck all the enjoyment out of M+ this season. They made the mistake of thinking they could keep adding more and more difficulty to make the 1% happy and thought everyone else would get good. They’ve learned nothing from past mistakes and keep making them.

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100% and is why people shifted to argue about how Delves should be more rewarding.

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That’s why myth track gear just needs to be eliminated. Competitive aspects of the game should be driven by the competition and the community recognition.

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Except it’s not more difficult than previous Season 1s.

Just deleting gear is fine with me.

Honestly yeah. Remove myth track gear. Everyone gets full bis in 1-3 weeks and if you can’t beat something without over gearing it then it doesn’t matter you just can’t get the cosmetic rewards it offers.

If they made Max Tier from KSM and AoTC then Mythic Raids and KSH+ will just be from pure skill without gear compensation. I would be fine with that.

Idk about the 3 weeks part. I also think that m+ needs to not give unlimited rewards too.

I thought we were anti timegating on gd.

BS. The need for every pack to be coordinated CC, stun, interrupt or everyone dies. Tanks having to be babysat to keep them alive. All the bricked keys and gate keeping. Yeah this season is right on par.

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