Since depletion is getting nerfed, can we get a solo q already?

You were definitely fed a lie. And even worse, continue to double down on it.

If you want to see what a “plunged” range looks like…
Look at SL. S1 had insane participation. S2 the participation was down by more than HALF. You are talking 3mil+ runs in a week in S1 to 1mil in week 1 participation in season 2, which usually has the highest or 2nd highest participation out of the entire season.

Tbh I don’t think you know what “really bad” looks like.
Again, instead of parroting what other people say. Literally look at the data yourself.

“Really bad” is s1 SL to s2. “Really bad” is s3 DF to s4.
And if you want to see some really fun numbers. Look at the graphs for the entirety of bfa lol.
As bad as SL was, it still out performed bfa in m+ participation.