Feedback: Druids

I primarily focus on Bear, Resto, and Moonkin (in that order). My feedback: In a word, clunky. The new Lycra’s talent just needs to go back to the drawing board. Power swapping for a short buff is dumb. Magic DR on ironfur is great. Kinda wish it was tuned a little higher, but that can always come later.

It’s not something you can pivot on in a single cycle, but you need to answer important questions about the specs before they go anywhere. Right now, it’s clunky and it’s treading water. It takes 7-10 business days to get your damage going.

The payoffs for playing well aren’t big enough. Too many talents overall, and too many of them are just spreadsheetable calculations between 0.8% and 1.9% throughout differences. Lunar beam shouldn’t need such a huge commitment for a central spell, but honesty that’s only a problem because of how one sided the choice is between fairy bear and big bear.

For the love of Ysera, please buff physical bear. Raze damage, UF, pulverize, all need looking at. Silencing roar needs to come back to even have a shot at playing backup to paladins.

Lastly, if you want cat weaving to work, kitty abilities need to extend hots or do some return healing, a la Teachings of the Monastery.


  1. Talents are better than live, but they are not close to good. Too many useless/boring/forgettable talents.
  2. Not enough choices in builds.
  3. Shif-mentum sucks. Nobody wants this. Kill it with fire.
  4. All 4 specs still suffer ramping issues. I think mobs need more HP in general, or the burst profile that other specs have needs to be reigned in. The discrepancy is too large right now.
  5. Paladins are out of control. We need more tools or they need less.
  6. Pick a lane on off-form use. Healers turning into cats between damage only works if there’s a period between damages. Bears turning into cats is too dangerous. Moonkins turning into bears is too restrictive.
  7. Figure out what you want druids to be. Are we “just like _______(warrior, rogue, priest, mage), but worse” or do we have our own identity? Why is our hybrid tax so much steeper other classes?

Bonus feedback: you need to buff tanks and nerf caster mobs. At this stage, I’d almost buff them to the point where a tank causing a group wipe means he went afk, and then reevaluate.

Fun: Pulling 3 packs together and assigning and pulling off the CC needed to get that pack down. Risk is a choice with a good payoff.

Not fun: every pack needs all 5 members to execute CC to keep the deaths to a minimum. There’s no “slow down” speed, you either execute at this level or you just don’t pass. No risk, because overpulling is an instant wipe. No reward, because that’s the baseline.

Let’s say you work for a company and your KPI is 3 in an example metric. If your boss gives you a bonus for hitting 4, that’s motivation. If your boss just changes your goal to a 4 lest you lose your job, that’s gonna make you take another job.