Mythic Plus is going in the Wrong Direction

If people can fail upwards, they eventually will.

Lower keys historically have been bad. Now? it’s the same, just you’re witnessing it more since people can fail upwards more.

My bad experiences were horrible, but good were great.

Seems a huge gap in player skill + gear this expansion.

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Delves hand out free gear, and that lets people brute force stuff more.

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They have been able to since the upgrade system was in place. This season has just been on another level with the player base

Dragonflight also had it. Don’t think people complain as much in DF S2 /S3/S4.

Yeah ive seen a lot of these folks in force lately as well. 610+ in groups with no dungeon experience/history. Try to give them the benefit of the doubt, but nope…never goes in my favor

Even the change to increasing crests on failed runs isnt incentive enough

WOW is a sport, not a game.

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In any infinitely scaling environment, one is eventually going to hit a ceiling where either one can’t progress or it stops being fun to try to progress.

So I’m always a bit fuzzy when we should complain about the difficulty and when we should look inwards and accept that we have hit our ceiling.

(I’m not a mythic+ player, but I do have the same issue when setting my expectations and giving feedback about delves)

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Thats my point. This is by far the worst season. Even in the beginning of the season it had been the roughest start of any m+ ive partaken in

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Because people think they can jump into the next place that gives upgrades. And the ones you get below 8 are ones who feel like they need the practice.

Should be way better at 10.

It is. But to get new alts to that level isnt worth it lol

This is what happens when you try to social engineer skill improvements. It’s doesn’t work, because the people that will already have and the people that don’t want to just won’t.

Blizzard needs to relearn this lesson every few years.

What numbers exactly? I love how every single one of these threads avoid actually posting the stats. The numbers actually show that this season did very well in terms of participation and is still going strong.

Your rhetoric is based on anecdotes and confirmation bias. Not real data.

You are mad that you are hard stuck, just say that and ask for ways to improve. Don’t blame external factors as an excuse.


It’s not social engineering skill improvements, it’s realigning reward structures.

You can do the same content, for less gear.

They can quit the game, too. Why take an L from a company they pay?

If Delves started how they are now, but every Tier moved to a Mage Tower / Green Fire mechanics, it would prepare solo players for group content.

Because wow is for fun, and not chasing arbitrary gear.

Not anymore it’s not. Wow is a competitive e-sport. It’s social injustice to be bad at WoW.


Maybe if they have extremely low health pools…

Definitely not.

You don’t need to do rwf/mdi/tgp to have fun.