My ticket was marked as resolved by the support, not me

On launch day I was only at the launch time, got disconnected and was unable to play for the next six hours.

After that, after I was able to play, and experience the plethora of bugs that we all did as well, last week right before the release of season 1, I was flying to Oribos, got dismounted mid air and my character started falling, after about 5 minutes flying I got disconnected, and when I tried to reconnect, BEFORE even reaching the character selection screen, the game would disconnect me WITHOUT a error message.

After trying to reconnect for a while I opened a ticket, a couple hours after that I got a cookie cutter copy/paste from the support saying that they moved my character, and asked for me to try to login again.

That did not work, it kept disconnecting me BEFORE reaching the character connection screen, and after that it took over 24 hours for the next reply, by now I was unable to connect to the game for over 30 hours, so I started trying to solve stuff by myself, trying multiple different things, like updating drivers ( was working fine up to being dismounted mid-air towards Oribos ), resetting the installation, removing addons, resetting network settings, etc.

After about 2 hours trying stuff I was finally able to connect to the game again, not thanks to Blizzard support that by now was ignoring me for over 33 hours.

I then asked if anything could be done about the huge amount of time I was unable to connect to the game, almost 40 hours in two different occasions in less than 2 weeks since game launch.

By now Blizzard support replied to my ticket… without reading it…

I reopened the ticket, saying the did not read it

They answered it again… without reading it… again…

I reopened the ticket, saying they did not read it, again…

My ticket was then answered , saying that support may not compensate users by this kind of issues, and asked me to post on the forums about it.

They also said, at the end:

“If this resolves your issue, please choose “Mark as Resolved” above. If you have additional questions or concerns, you may choose “I Still Have a Problem” to reply to this message.”

My ticket was then marked as resolved by Blizzard itself, I mean, after being ignored and left unable to connect for over 30 hours, why not directly slap the customer on the face, right? That will make them happy.

It does sound like you were asking for something outside of the scope of what the staff was able to offer you, and probably through multiple tickets it seems.

Since the ticket now is marked as resolved though, you should leave your feedback via the ticket survey.

Ultimately, what the GM staff can offer is based on guidelines and rules. Those are often shaped by the feedback provided via those surveys.

Hopefully though, you are able to get in again.

The survey should be open soon via the ticket history system.


I did not open multiple tickets, my issue is both the huge amount of time it took to help someone that was unable to connect to the game, and the fact that they said, at the end ‘if this doesn’t satisfies you, reopen the ticket’, and then proceed to block me from doing so.

I did the same thing, then I created a ticket under the category ‘stuck character’ waited an hour and poof was back in game.
Never once had to talk to Blizzard about that as it’s automated.
No you will not get compensated for not making a ticket under right category.

Why haven’t you used the stuck tool on the website? Would make submitting a ticket unnecessary.

Just go here:

Select World of Warcraft

Type: “Character is stuck” in the box and click enter. Then follow the appropriate directions.


If we have exhausted all information and help through contacts, and you keep reopening the ticket - yes, we will close it.

Ravenhawk is correct - the self-help tool often works, and should be the first thing to try in a circumstance such as this.


I opened a ticket last night and also received a response that clearly showed they did not read what I had submitted. I went from being interestingly curious about a bug I had found to being annoyed at poor customer service.

I consequently posted on the forums, and was able to interact with a member of our WoW community, and we were able to determine the source and severity of the bug.

I like WoW a fair bit, but interactions with customer service can certainly have a negative impact. That is unfortunate, OP, and I hope you are able to have your issue resolved.

Orlyia, your reply is a great example of why I am upset about this.

The blizzard representative replies to the topic, says 'if I don’t find this satisfying, I should mark the ticket as “I still have an issue” ’ and the very next thing he does is to mark the ticket as resolved, which prevents me from doing so, and that after receiving multiple replies that did not read my messages, which you apparently just did as well

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You do know GMs can’t do anything about bugs and you are just wasting their time. You post on Bug Reports or use the ingame tool. But you found a workaround on the forums as it should be.


I feel like you’re not reading what the blue had said. They point to something why it was closed:


No, I don’t. I also didn’t know there were GMs still. I opened a support ticket. I spent a fair deal of time gathering all the appropriate information to include in it, and received a very generic and unhelpful response.

I have now consequently created a forum post, helpfully outlining the precise details of the bug I encountered.

People need to stop spreading this line of garbage.


Awesome! That’s exactly what the QA team needs and appreciates too :slight_smile: Taking the time to include relevant info makes their jobs so much easier to do when they’re investigating possible bugs.

Posting a bug in the bug report forums (like you did) or using the in-game bug report interface are both the best ways to report any potential bugs. Thanks for taking the time to do that!


You didn’t utilize the proper channels, because as you said:

Those go to the Bug Report Forum, or the in-game Bug Report feature. Not a Support ticket.

While Blizzard staff are human and can make mistakes, often when someone posts about how they “didn’t read the ticket”, it’s really the player who didn’t read the response. Or were expecting something different.


I hadn’t realized that it was a general bug at the time. It appeared to be something that perhaps only I was experiencing. I had thought that maybe it was unique to me, and the level squish.

Anyway, the point that I was making in replying to this thread was intended towards the OP, which was, “Yes, customer support gives bad responses, and they can certainly negatively impact our enjoyment of the game. That is unfortunate, and I hope the situation is resolved.”

Here’s a copy/paste from the reply I received:
“We are currently experiencing high ticket volume and apologize for being unable to directly address this issue with you at this time. Please review the following resources below for potential resolution in the meantime.”

That’s fine. And what did the responses from Support tell you to do?

Yes, they send that template in a time of high ticket volume, because it covers a multitude of situations that they cannot assist with.

You are also leaving off the rest of the message, especially the part that the OP listed:

So, assuming you did reply to that message. What was the response after that?


It really doesn’t. It doesn’t add any information whatsover that had not already been presented in the normal flow of getting to the point of opening a ticket.

Mine was different actually.

Support Articles:

Shadowlands Known Issues:

Game Info and Guides:


This is how they closed it out.

In any case, I’m really not sure what point you are trying to make. My point is that I felt worse for having interacted with WoW’s customer support than if I had not. That’s a negative interaction that impacts my view of the game.

Typically, I have been very supportive of Blizzard, their games, and WoW, in general, but their customer support has definitely gotten worse over the years, not that I have had many issues.

I had fallen victim to a phishing scam in 2009, I believe, and had to go through account recovery with some very helpful customer support. I suppose that was a good, and memorable experience.

Just because they said no to you or couldn’t help with your issue does not make it bad. You are focused on one dead tree in a large green forest.


Are you familiar with the issue? Do you understand what it’s like to be a returning player and have a negative experience?

Oh, I have stuff not go my way with a ticket, but I don’t write off the system as a whole as gone downhill.