Cata content difficulty?

You tell me to quote you calling me schizo when you have said it to me in every reply you have ever made to me…ever. You wanted quotes? Not that hard. In this thread even

Literally said it in the post that you claimed you dont say it hardly ever.

And on this thread here you said it to me too

My solution for Wrath Era servers - WoW Classic / Wrath of the Lich King Classic Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (

Where you said
You then go onto rant about RDF. That’s when I called you a schizo.
Then you said You then went into another schizo rage.

Then Listen moron and then said this

I then addressed your schizo rage and you deflected it instantly because you’re a coward

You then said this I’ll give you this, you mastered schizo posting

Then this Congrats, you should be proud, schizo

Sure, you can find me using the term against a few others, but your claim, and I quote, is “you bring up schizo in every post you make ever.”

It’s only to you, because it’s all you do.

There you even admit that you do call me it in every thread you encounter me on. I hide my history to keep you from following me around at random the way you used to always do and start calling me a paranoid schizo.

But the irony of this is…first off, you literally named your toon after an advanced form of the disorder you keep claiming that I have. And also…seems you got a guild kick…and also you only hide your post history to stop others from seeing how you actually go around on these forums and insult everyone else you can find as much as you do to me.

And actually…I kept looking. There is not one single thread where you talk to me that you dont call me a schizo.

Only two people here know the truth of what you do to me nonstop. Me, and you. You got all the others here on the forums fooled cuz you got all your forum profile posts hidden so when I keep saying you are harassing me nonstop by your constant name calling vs me, you can ofc deny that you do it. You’re the one who gets guild kicked cuz no one in Wrath can stand you. You guild hop like crazy, most of them being kicks and not you leaving, you sat at 213 item level for the vast majority of the expac.

And that is not the only toon of yours that is named after a mental illness when you yourself go around these forums calling other posters, retard and said it to me and say it to others, then you bully others before you started on me. You’re a bully. That is why you cant ever stay in any guild for more than a couple of weeks. Thats why it is next to impossible for you to find any groups for you to play with and get stuff done in wow with. Thats why your best toon is way below average in Wrath and your retail orc toon is even worse and also guideless. Even your own guilds get sick of you. Rogues are pretty good in Cata. They will be in high demand once fangs come out, you’ll be left behind. Keep at it, guildess level 80 forum troll.