My account was suspended for being spam reported

I was suspended for 9 days for being spam reported for abusive chat, I know there is nothing I could have said that would warrant this. I submitted an appeal ticket over 48 hours ago and have still not gotten a response.

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You were suspended for something you said.


One report or a thousand, it doesn’t matter. If you said nothing wrong, then nothing will happen. If you did say something against the rules, then all it takes is ONE report.

Your only course of action is to open a appeal and to kindly ask for a snippet of the chat that got you actioned upon.


If you were suspended, then a Blizzard GM found that you broke the rules. You are allowed to appeal, with a Support ticket. Not in this forum.

This is not something us players can judge, but if a Blue poster looks into it, they may give you a reminder.

All tickets are responded to. You just need to be patient until they get to your ticket in the queue.


There’s no such thing as “spam reported”. You were either reported or you were not. A single report is all that’s needed for a GM to determine if you violated the rules. Only a GM could apply a suspension to your account too, which would imply you may be forgetting exactly what you said.

You’ll want to wait on your ticket. It’s ooss le a blue may help jog your memory though.


It doesn’t matter how many times you’re reported, if no violation occurred nothing happens. If only one report has a violation, actions happen. Foul language isn’t the only violation. Spam and toxic language is included. Lately people are going political, also not allowed.


You can get SQUELCHED for lots of reports within a short time. A Suspension means a GM reviewed it and applied it. Abusing the reporting system by asking people to report you falsely, also gets a GM Suspension.

Most of these threads turn out like this. I am sure a Blue will be happy to help you understand why your fellow players reported you, and why a GM felt an account penalty was warranted. Also, a Suspension means your account has been penalized previously, usually with a Silence.

This :dracthyr_nod: :dracthyr_nod:

Spamming is another very common cause of account penalties which includes advertising in the wrong channel for example. Of course, trolling chat/politics/trying to stir up drama is also going to end up with penalties if reported.



Okay. Sure. I don’t know why I bother sometimes. Maybe I need to make a YouTube video explaining how everyone who has ever claimed that they were “spam reported” turned out to actually having broke the rules when they posted in CS.

I’ve not yet seen a single case here in the CS forums where a blue has said "You were definitely spam reported and did nothing wrong. ’

Not one case.

Fact is, even if multiple people did report you, a GM gave you a suspension. That’s a fact.


There’s a recent thread on r/classicwow who, surprise surprise said he got spam reported and then being banned.

After reading through their monologue the resemblance with the video on youtube is: They intentionally abused the report system by asking others to purposefully report him. In the followup investigation this was revealed to be abuse of reporting and wasting GM time so the ban stands.


Streamers will do and say anything for views, clicks, and likes even if it’s false. It’s how they get monetized and paid. It’s more likely that he got suspended for abusing the chat system for asking his followers to report him because “spam reporting” causing a suspension doesn’t exist.


I report when people that are advertising runs, either through Mythics, or Raids.

48 hours also seems like a very long time to wait for a response on a ticket.

Well, things happen, with a new expack right around the bend with the pre-event going on, ticket times are going to be higher then normal. There isn’t a way to make it shorter for a given ticket.


It is a fairly long time, but you are in line behind every single other Blizzard customer across all their games and services who put in a ticket. They don’t have separate teams for separate games. Any time there is a major patch, new release, ban wave, or other shake up for any of their games there are going to be ticket surges.

I am kind of surprised it is back down to 48 hours given all that is going on across the games right now with releases and patches.


No, you actually weren’t.

You were reported for name calling, general toxicity and dropping F-bombs.

You are welcome to leave your current ticket open, but the complaints are valid and this won’t be being overturned.


Nope. Streamers are known to lie for clicks. The one you’re talking about was actioned for deliberately abusing the reporting system. It was well deserved, and was not in any way automated. The only automated part of the process is a temporary squelch if enough people report you in a short enough period of time. That was put in place a long time ago to deal with gold spammers, it’s necessary because there is no way a GM could react fast enough to reports of gold spammers.

A squelch is not an account action. It’s just a temporary chat squelch. When it’s reviewed, the squelch is removed and either nothing happens (if no rules were broken), or a silence/suspension/ban (depending on the history of the account) is applied MANUALLY.

Anyone who says anything else is spreading conspiracy theories and lying to you.


So, facts:

  • NOT spam reported
  • Suspended for confirmed violations of the chat policy

I really wish people would not believe every social media/streamer stunt out there.


Since Orylia responded to you, You might want to keep in mind that penalties stack and do not fall off. Next one could be a month or more/less


Many of us who post here have alot of experience and a lot of past blue posts to go by.


This CS forum is littered with Blue posts about spam reporting.