Muted InGame for over 24 hrs, Due to Selling Enchants

Saw this happen to a warlock that was advertising Mara carry services. The largest guild on his faction spam reported him into oblivion.

Or you could try not being a snowflake and reporting people for trading in trade, and maybe idk move trade to a separate chat window so you dont have to see it when you enter a city unless you want to.
By all means though report other spam that doesnt involve trading thats fine, im actually expecting to see a post from you soon " i got silenced for no reason" just as revenge from anyone that is on your server and read your posts. You report them for nothing you kinda deserve the same.

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what turns you into this person? how pathetic can you be?

Learn to use chat windows, please.

Or forums.
Two threads complaining about this and in both was suggested to post in the customer support forum and yet there is 0 threads there recently on RCR issues.
Odd how that works. It’s almost like if they have a Blizzard employee check it out that their lies will come into the open and they will be shown to have been legitimately squelched and silenced.

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“I’m sorry, Meowlena, while I am not at liberty to discuss recent events, you appear to be misinformed regarding our CS staffing. The reduction in force that we experienced took place back in 2012.”

so the cuts happened in 2012, whats your point?

It was always in classic.

There is an official LookingForGroup channel. There is also a general channel. Furthermore you as a user can create infinite channels.

Sorry, but hard nope. It is on you to abide by what you agreed to when you began playing.

The auto-squelch has been in the game since May of 2007. The staff cuts were in 2012.

Were they prepping for their staff pruning 5 years in advance?

I’m with him here. I NEVER believe a player crying on the forums until evidence is posted. This reeks of the same BS from CSGO forums or subreddits where players lay out sob stories about how they were falsely banned for cheating and they ALWAYS were proven wrong. Or how the one player from Fallout 76 was banned for “playing too much” when in reality he had like 20 times more items than was physically possible even if you played max efficiency 24 hours a day.

That being said. I have never reported anyone in any game outside of hating some kid’s guts in a CSGO match and hoping a yolo report somehow turns out to be right.

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i guess they were. it was an obvious cost cutting move,

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If you aren’t simply trolling, well you have no idea what you are talking about, auto-squelch was added eons after original warcraft. There was fantastic uproar and anger as well as support. In general, it was added both because Blizzard was de-staffing support (originally, humans did everything, humans with salaries, not so much now) and to help the new generation of people who had an enhanced expectation that “someone in charge do something” when they saw people spin really truly crazy junk in chat about whatever.

LFG is there and it was pretty much never used, if one is not joined to it by default it’s useless and people know it. Let me say that again, it’s USELESS and people know it. This (I mean using /2 trade) is generally now how groups were formed. Unless Blizzard runs some script and auto-joins everyone to LFG and changes it so that people are automatically joined to it at character creation, it will forever remain useless.

And yes, leave the channel if it bothers you. That is and was the time honored way to deal with it.

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Yet another reason for a WotLK server!

Ignore lists are capped.

I am not trolling. I am being accurate and nice. It was always in classic. Words are important.

I recall no such thing. Care to cite some of that? Most people have no idea when squelch and silence actually were put in game, much less were uproariously angry.

On Grobbulous it is hella used. So much so that trade is a lot easier to read.

And it is time that idiocy stopped, especially since an official one-stop-shop for LFG already exists.

Be part of the solution, rather than part of the problem. A place for everything and everything in it’s proper place. Is organization really that painful for you lot? The lot that suggests that others create separate tabs to hide what they do not want to see (despite the fact that it would also hide what they are viewing the channel for).

OOOOOOOooooooor, if RCR bothers you, don’t disrupt public channels with idiocy and instead use those channels for their intended function. If that is too much of a bother, then eat the RCRs coming your way.

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She’s responding because others keep calling her out.

I’m betting 90% of the posters in this thread are the babies that use trade and lookingforgroup as attention-getting devices, or soap boxes.

Make your own channels. Call it Globalnews or something.

Don’t cry about being reported for misusing a channel or spamming. Your whining is just as bad as hers. Worse, actually, because she is less annoying.

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Come on, when people complain in forums they always tell the truth.

For example, I got banned for 24 hours because some tank reported me for not thanking him for tanking.

Yes, that’s now a thing. There’s a long thread on it here. Always thank your tank.

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Control. This is what people really wanted Classic for, to regain CONTROL over their fellow players. Bunch of sad sacks really.

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Lookingforgroup is pretty hotly used on the servers I’ve played on.

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Funny how you know how to stop the “spam” you’re not interested in and choose to report them anyway. And if you’re not buying, why wouldn’t you choose ignore?

“If I don’t wanna see it, no one should!”

Go read Fahrenheit 451