Muted InGame for over 24 hrs, Due to Selling Enchants


I play a horde lock on horde side of Kirtanos… there are multiple cancerous guilds that attempt to shut down any enchanting selling competition by making level 1 accounts and reporting…
I am currently at hour 28 of what I thought was a 24 hour mute? I have opened a ticket with customer support… Firstly is anyone else having this kid of issue? I literally am unable to play with anyone…unable to answer others questions in the world… unable to get groups for dungeons etc… How can this be prevented? it is clearly being abused…

Yortykins on Kiranos Horde Warlock

Moderator: Discussion of suspensions or other account actions in the forums is a violation of the code of conduct. If you have a question about a silence or other action against your account, please submit an appeal ticket.


That sucks man… didn’t know Facebook ran WoW…


Seriously dude… As a enchanter its really axed my income methods… 72 elemental fires atm… -_- I’m more worried that after I get unmuted … the mafia controlling this servers trade and gen chat can just get you muted again with zero intervention from GM until you’ve sat muted for several days


Welcome to the world of right click reporting. Happend to one of my guildies too with his enchanting advertisment. Another one got the same for his maraudon blackstone ring carry service.

This is a bad combination of a toxic community and blizzard trying to save money.


hours before i was muted, a random person pinged me letting me know that a level 1 just PMed them asking them to report me for spam…the person telling me obv didnt and wanted to let me know tht people where being factious but srsly how lame… I hope a mod replies… Is the better thing to do… To have my guild snipe report everyone selling services? in hopes to get them muted first??


Honestly just do the same. Guilds are large in classic you have enough right click reports to silence anyone. Maybe if everyone does it enough people get upset and blizz changes something.


somehow I doubt you got muted for SELLING enchants.

More likely for spamming enchant sales.

I will report those who spam anything, sales, LFG’s, thunderfury, don’t matter I’m not picky, every 15-60 seconds. Longer than a minute and I’ll not report, unless it’s ongoing for more than 5-10 minutes at that speed, but 58 seconds? I probably will.

You get four or five doing that, and the screen starts scrolling too fast, add more, and it’s not something anyone gives a darn about anyway, so I’m sure i’m not the only one reporting.

Pretty sure spamming is anything less than 90 seconds apart. As just one guideline for it. I’m basing that on a blue in CS forums a long time ago, doubt the rules have changed, and it was pre forum mess up, er, change, so no not gonna go try to find the link.


Yea, nothing worse than Enchanters trying to help you improve your stats through all the Thunderfury and politics spam…


Dude what is wrong with you? How do you live this way?


I’m assuming they have a record of who coordinated the spam RCR and who participated? They should give them a 1 month ban, to teach them a lesson.


spam is spam, regardless of what it is.

Not saying don’t advertise, just saying keep your posts at least a minute or two apart.

I know far too many people who think ‘omg i can’t see my last post now, let me hit that macro again’.

it’s spam.


Seriously, Its these people that are the problem lol… If you are going by your guidelines the entire server would be banned… Well maybe not a lvl 30 hunter… since ur not in main cities and probably questing/dungeons


How far apart were your messages?


Jeesus, how else are you going to sell enchants in chat that flies faster than person can read? It’s not like you can put enchant on scroll and sell it on AH


let me ask you this.

if chat is flying by faster than you can read, but those who are selling whatever or spamming thunderfury or whatever…are doing so every 15-60 seconds and there are say ten people doing that…does it not make you wonder, if they all waited a minute between posts, that chat might just SLOW DOWN?

nah, thought probably never crossed anyone’s minds.

but it actually works.

even if someone doesn’t report you, they might well be adding you to their ever growing list of ignores for the same reason.

either way, no sales for you.


Well, how do you know it was a silence for selling enchants, because you can’t go by this alone.

They don’t get looked at that fast generally. I could be wrong, but if that is what your email said, then odds are, you are being silenced for a previous offense for same thing…which might explain the length of time.

If you think its another guild, screen shot stuff like that message you got, and send in with a ticket.

Also beware of these toxic guilds/groups of players, they are all about revenge. Best to leave your classic character/server out of the conversation if you really think you were targeted.

Blizzard is too busy with damage control over the China thing.

I would rather them have the auto silence feature… the once that only allows you to spam so many messages then throttles your chat to slow it down.


I think the benefit of actually getting their message read far outweighs the risk of upsetting the couple of people that follow your line of thinking of policing everyone else’s actions and thoughts.


maybe spam less?