Mouse Click Issues

I’ve figured out how to reproduce my specific issue 100%, not sure if everyone is having the same problem, but here it is.

  1. Without moving the mouse: start holding down RMB, then click and release either MB3/MB4/MB5, then release RMB
  2. Then move the mouse around. It moves my camera as if RMB is held down, even though nothing is actually held down

I’m using a Logitech G502, it has five buttons, no mouse macros/reprogramming/anything fancy

Edit: As a workaround, I bound MB4/MB5 to a keyboard key in my mouse software (Logitech G Hub), and then changed my keybinds to use those keys instead. The issue doesn’t occur if the mouse keys are remapped.

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I am having this exact problem here where my mouse will disappear if MB3, MB4, or MB5 are held down at all and then I click with LMB or RMB and let LMB or RMB go before I let go of MB3, MB4 or MB5.

It is almost like it is getting stuck in a held down RMB state.

The only way to get it to go away quickly is to re-press the corresponding LMB or RMB.

This whole situation becomes really mucked up in doing any challenging content where you are required to target stuff with LMB or RMB and have macros on your side mouse buttons as a lot of people do.

I have tried disabling all addons, tried running repair tool. None of these work.

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Remapping the mouse button key to a keyboard key and applying the macro to that through keybinding seems to be a temporary fix to this unfortunate situation.

Exact same issue here!

Same issue here

I have the exact same issue. drive me nuts in arena.

Happens in BG too, when auto releasing while having mouse buttons pressed, the functions loops while dead in ghostform. Either losing mouselook or having the character run out of range of the spirit healer on its own.

I’m having the same issue. I have my two side mouse buttons mapped to auto run and strafe right, so I believed it was caused by pressing both simultaneously at first, but I’ve never once had this problem prior to 10.1. I’m at least glad to see that it’s clearly a bug, and I’m not insane.

Edit: I found another post from a DH named Tyssera who claims to have a strange workaround that I haven’t tried yet.

Please does anyone have a fix for this

what workaround are you talking about?

I linked the other post I’m referring to in my reply here which describes the workaround. I’ll just copy/paste Tyssera’s words in case it’s wonky and won’t let you click the link.

Tyssera-Ravencrest EU:

EDIT: In case there are others reading who have this problem, I found a rather convoluted workaround.

It seems to be related to the default assignments on the mouse buttons - browser forward and back. I have 4 usable side buttons on my mouse, and the 2 that were assigned to keys instead of browser functions worked properly.

My workaround was to create a separate profile for WoW in my mouse software and assign ALL the mouse buttons to keys I don’t use for anything (in my case high number F-keys). It means I have to redo my movement keybinds on each character, but at least I can play properly now.

I’m having more difficulty than I thought I would trying to remap these keys on a razor naga. Basically every other key can get remapped to something except for mouse 4 and 5 lol :frowning:

after remapping my MB4/MB5 to the keyboard and then changing my in-game keybinds, i am still having the same issue where the camera would get stuck as if i am holding the RMB/LMB putting the camera state into “drag mode”. only way to get out of this is for me to click on the RMB for the game to release the “drag mode”.

this is super annoying. solutions?

God im so glad i found this post i genuinely thought i was going crazy. Ive tried everything to pouring alcohol in the vuttons to see if something is making it stick, to toothpicks, and drivers. NOTHING will fix the issue.
If Blizzard tries to place the blame on any of our hardware, tell them ive tried 2 differnet mice and BOTH have the same issue. Thats not a coincidence. I turn with double mouse click, and strafe left/right with MB 4/5 on the side of my mouse. We are not crazy, something is broken.


I’m having the same issue. I thought it was my mouse but i swapped to a different one and it’s doing the same thing. i actually use a 5 button trackball and i hold the right mouse button down to steer - this has been default in wow since classic and i saw no reason to change it - and now all of the sudden, at least 1/2 the time, i click the button and NOTHING happens. I also ran into an issue with right clicking to loot. i found i would have to double click for it to work - especially when shift-right clicking.

Same issue.

Hey all. Same exact issue here. Right click + side mouse button results in auto walking backwards. Something in 10.1 is busted. I encourage everyone to submit a ticket so that we can get this fixed asap. The game is unplayable for me until this is resolved. For those that play classic you’ll notice this is not happening with the same mouse you’re using. This should also be reiterated in your tickets as the two games can be clearly tested side by side.

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How has this still not been fixed? Is this even on the radar?

yep same issue theyre aware of it just havent fixed it yet

Here is the bug report thread. Please also submit here! Right Click/Camera sticking