Right Click/Camera sticking

I’m not sure what the trigger is but, since the last patch occasionally my right click won’t release until I right click again causing my mouse to get stuck in camera/look around mode.

I saw several reddit threads about it with no answers and the only ones I could find here were about strafing, I don’t have strafe keybound to my mouse.


I’m currently working with support on this issue as well. The game is completely unplayable for me at the moment and this is a brand new bug as of 10.1. This is easily tested by switching over to classic where all of my keybinds are exactly the same and the issue does not exist there. I use the mouse exclusively for movement (have been for 17 years) and finally found the trigger for this problem. This occurs specifically when I use side button 4 + right click at the same time. In my case, I use (mouse 4) to walk backward and if I right mouse click while also clicking side button 4 my character is put into an automatic backwards walking action that can only be cancelled by clicking side button 4 again. Many players bind side buttons to left/right strafe and in that case they end up auto strafing. I also discovered that this also only happens when the SIDE BUTTON IS PRESSED FIRST. If i right click to pan the cam and then side button click to walk backwards i’m fine. This is not an addon issue as the WTF, Cache and Interface folders have all been reset. This is pure speculation but some believe that cancelling the initial 10.1 cinematic may have caused this bug from the outset and I had cancelled mine only because I had previously turned off sound and well, watching a cinematic without sound isn’t the best experience. Blizz, please look into this. I’ve included a link to a thread where many are experiencing this. Mouse Click Issues


Like I said, I’m having a different issue. No strafing involved, holding my side buttons doesn’t trigger it. My problem is getting stuck in camera mode until I right click again. I hear other people having problems with their camera getting stuck and they can’t look around, but I’m not having that problem either.

At some point, for whatever reason, I get stuck in camera mode and can look around freely and can’t do anything else until I right click again and then it’s fine.

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Yup - right click gets stuck and any mouse movement then causing you to ‘look around’. It is particularly problematic as it will occur when doing pvp or keys etc where just a second or two of disruption means death.

I don’t have any movement mount to mouse clicks. I can replicate it pretty consistently by clicking mouse wheel and right click at the same time.

EG mouse click is casting a spell, right click is to look around and then right click becomes stuck

From Blizz.

“We have received several reports of this issue and can confirm it is not working as intended. Currently, we do not have a workaround or resolution that can be provided. We apologize for any inconvenience while our developers work as quickly as possible to resolve the issue”.

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I’m glad this wasn’t just me. I’ve had this issue too and weirdly thought it was just one of the mouse buttons sticking but this would make a lot more since because they must’ve done something weird and only just begun this major patch.


thats been happening to me soon as this patch dropped enter a dungeon and it starts


Several weeks after 10.1 and still no fix. This is certainly a first. After almost 2 decades of playing this game i’ve never seen something so fundamentally broken without a fix weeks after a major patch. It’s affecting many more players than they realize.
Just amazing.

I had this, or something related to this, happen in Teldrassil. I was walking forward holding down LMB+RMB as I entered the pink portal thing to go down to the docks. When I came out below, my character was still running forward even after I left go of the buttons. The only way I could get it to stop was to re-press LMB+RMB and then let go again. I’ll try to see if I can get a clip of it in a bit.

As a developer, this seems like a pretty simple input state or bool latching issue. The portal transition isn’t making the client wipe the state of the keyboard/mouse inputs and isn’t wiping the state of things like autorun, which would force the user to re-input again.

I’ve noticed this a few times this expansion where if you’re performing similar actions and enter into an instance, you’ll continue autorunning inside. I think I’ve also noticed this happen when you autorun/lmb+rmb into a portal and then alt+tab out during the loading screen. There was also the weird strafe issue when landing with dragonriding mounts where other inputs wouldn’t respond until you manually cleared them by performing an action like autorunning.

Moral of the story is that the client should ALWAYS wipe the last state of the movement/camera inputs on any form of transition like this: Portals(load screen), teleports(A=>B no load screen or brief flash of one), landing from dragonriding, etc etc.

Super appreciate an explanation like this for those that don’t fully understand what’s happening in the background with the coding. Blizz even took control of my account when I was at work last week to try and re-create this and of course they said they couldn’t. So I log on every so often so see if anything has changed and still no luck.

Update - As of yesterday 5/23 this has been patched for me. I sincerely hope that many of other peoples outstanding mouse issues have also been resolved.