Mouse Click Issues

Also having the same problem. Thought it was the addons but the problem still existed after they were all disabled.

Having what is probably a related issue. Have mouse button 4 bound to Move Backwards action. When I press it with my thumb to back up and then press any other mouse button (e.g. right-click button, so I can then turn mouse and steer while backing up), I get stuck moving backwards forever, even after releasing mouse button 4. Creates real problems for my combat movements. Started with patch 10.1

Yeah this issue has not been patched yet. Sadly now raiding has actually begun and itā€™s making it kinda impossible to play the game with this happening.

From Blizzard. Good news I guess. No fix yet. Although some of our problems vary slightly theyā€™re all mouse related.

ā€œWe have received several reports of this issue and can confirm it is not working as intended. Currently, we do not have a workaround or resolution that can be provided. We apologize for any inconvenience while our developers work as quickly as possible to resolve the issueā€.

Iā€™ve noticed issues like this cropping up with my characters as well, right mouse click just flat out seems to stop working at random, and even though everything is up to date, there seems to be no real rhyme or reason to it happening.

Just now, on this character, I found myself suddenly unable to rotate the camera via a right mouse click and drag. I was just standing in Stormwind, at the time, with the only thing Iā€™d done was adjusting my characterā€™s stance bar location in the UI, which had for some reason been placed way off to the side.

Bumping as I face this issue as well.

Thread Needs a bump

Iā€™m having the same exact issue. Bump!

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Isnt addons or anything or your mouse. Is something in the code.

Many people I know (with no addons, with a lot, regular mice, fancy mice old and new OS) have the same issue. It did get better as in doesnt occur every time but still going on.

You strafe or press to walk back and youre stuck walking back or strafing.
I made sure that the interface is not with press twice but press and hold, did the whole upgrade all the things (which I do weekly) but no effect. Even the nuclear option of full reinstall and no addons did nothing.

Still happens, just not as often. Is a pain in the dooker specially as a tank where walking back is something you do very often.

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Thread bumb

still not fixed

Still very broken. Unreal.

Blizzard please, this is ridic, this has been going on for at least 2+ months and we havenā€™t even seen you comment on this thread, or hint at the fact that you notice the bug. The game is almost unplayable, i have to double mouse button move and camera turn where i want to go, 6+ yrs of muscle memory i have to undo.

Hey! I would try to see if an addon or maybe it could be a keybind? If anything It could also be your hardware. Try another mouse or see if company that makes your mouse has drivers/software for the mouse. I know with Corsair I need to update my software every other month or so.

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Have you simply tried unplugging and plugging it back in.

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Yeah I would actually try that ! It could work you never know !

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Bumping because it is STILL not fixed, patch is today, and no GM or dev has said a word.

It is the code 100%. Log over to classic and this does not happen. Something in the code has changed with dragonflight since around 10.1 and itā€™s not happening in classic. Hereā€™s a response from an outside dev from another thread.

I had this, or something related to this, happen in Teldrassil. I was walking forward holding down LMB+RMB as I entered the pink portal thing to go down to the docks. When I came out below, my character was still running forward even after I left go of the buttons. The only way I could get it to stop was to re-press LMB+RMB and then let go again. Iā€™ll try to see if I can get a clip of it in a bit.

As a developer, this seems like a pretty simple input state or bool latching issue. The portal transition isnā€™t making the client wipe the state of the keyboard/mouse inputs and isnā€™t wiping the state of things like autorun, which would force the user to re-input again.

Iā€™ve noticed this a few times this expansion where if youā€™re performing similar actions and enter into an instance, youā€™ll continue autorunning inside. I think Iā€™ve also noticed this happen when you autorun/lmb+rmb into a portal and then alt+tab out during the loading screen. There was also the weird strafe issue when landing with dragonriding mounts where other inputs wouldnā€™t respond until you manually cleared them by performing an action like autorunning.

Moral of the story is that the client should ALWAYS wipe the last state of the movement/camera inputs on any form of transition like this: Portals(load screen), teleports(A=>B no load screen or brief flash of one), landing from dragonriding, etc etc.

As of 5/23 this issue has gone away for me. I hope the same is true for many of you.

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this is happening again after the new update

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