Mount count not changing since 8.2.5

I am having issues with the mount count not changing for me in the “A Horde of Hoofbeats” achievement since 8.2.5.

Prior to 8.2.5 my count was 375. Since 8.2.5 was released I have gained 2 mounts, the Honeybee Harvester and the Snapback Scuttler from the Undersea Usurper achievement. These 2 mounts should have raised my count to 377 but the count remains at 375.

I know how the game calculates the count and this character I am posting on is the character I have always had to use in the past to get the count to increase but it no longer does. I figured there was some off chance that another character somehow accrued a higher count than this one. So, I logged onto all 26 of my characters and the count remained at 375. I logged onto them once more just to be sure and the count still remains at 375.

Customer service recommended that I go to and load my characters in there to check the mount count. So, I load this character (Aracina) and sure enough the mount count comes up as 377 as it should but for some reason the count is not updating in the game for this achievement.

Oh, just wanted to add the I went through the entire delete cache and WTF folders and disabled all add-ons and such and that did not change anything :slight_smile:

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My count is unchanged at 335 and ive gotten 2 other mounts since patch too


My count also has not changed. I was at 345/350 and got the Honeybee Harvester and Snapback Scuttler and I’m still at 345 mounts. Like you’ve I’ve got through all the gyrations and hoop jumping and nothing changes. There was another post about this same issue recently with several people experiencing the same issue.

Just an update… I pre-purchased the Shadowlands expansion and got the new mount. This mount did update the achievement count from 375 to 376 but the count on my alliance pally should be 378. For some reason the Honeybee Harvester and Snapback Scuttler are not being added to the achievement count.

I once again did load all 28 of my characters just to be sure. The wowhead list page is showing the total of usuable mount on my pally to be 378 and the Mount Journal Enhanced add-on is showing it at 378 on this character as well. I would add a screenshot but seems it is not permitted or even a link to the screenshot.

I even used my free 120 boost or this character (was 110) to see if that was possibly the problem. It wasn’t so that was a waste of a free boost :slight_smile:

I just reported this in-game and I didn’t copy what I wrote so I’ll try to remember. Basically, I main this druid and I have a paladin alt. I’ve determined that my pally is the character who has the highest amount, so whenever I would learn a new mount on my druid, I would log over to the pally and the in-game tracker would increase. Ever since 8.2 or 8.2.5, it stopped working. I would log over and the number wouldn’t increase. I was stuck at 338/350 for at least a week or two, through weekly reset.

I also checked the Wowhead tracker and the Armory for both characters. My Wowhead tracker showed like 335 on my pally, which I thought was weird, but I took it with a grain of salt because technically third party, even though they pull from the Armory data. On the Armory, I checked the specific mount achievement and saw that it said 341. I was bummed that it didn’t show 341 in-game, but I was hopeful that it would sort out.

Today, I was on my pally and learned a mount on my pally. The in-game tracking number went from 338 to 342 immediately. After that happened is when I submitted my bug report.

Hopefully those of you who have also experienced this can try learning a mount on your specific character (the one with the highest amount of mounts) and see if that helps update the in-game tracker.

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I finally got my paladin to the number where they are supposed to be at. I had to buy the Champion’s Threadblade with my pally and learned it and the two mounts that were missing got added.

I should not have had to do that though. Logging onto the character should have been all I needed to do. I was lucky that the Treadblade was not yet bought. The only other mounts I can still buy are over 300k and I really do not want to spend that kind of gold on a mount just by-pass a bug. I do not mount farm on this character and do not want to do that in the future if this bug occurs again.

Hopefully they fix it.


Bumping - my mount count was 347 yesterday, but as of finishing the questline Making the Mount for the Mechaspider, it dropped to 345.

There seems to be some kind of error when it hits around the 345 stage?

I am having this problem as well. I was 8 mounts away from 400… I got both mounts from the 15th anniversary and instead of only being 6 mounts away I am still 8 mounts away. My mounts count is also showing up correctly on wowhead, just not in game.

*Update: I also purchased a mount in game and this put my achievement number at the correct amount. But like it has already been stated, we should not have to do this.

I also encountered this. I earned the anniversary event mounts on another character, and when I logged into this character to update my achievement tracker, my mount count remained unchanged at 383/400 though outside websites and achievement tracker addons showed 385. I purchased the Xiwyllag mount and learned it on this character and then my count jumped to 386/400.

Edit: learned a mount from Mechagon and the counter still says 386 on this character instead of 387

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This is still happening. The mount counter doesn’t increase when learning a mount on my druid and logging over to my pally, as it used to. I’ve taken to earning mounts on my pally, instead, which is a hassle but doable. For example, the other day I got a mount while not on my pally (which didn’t increase the counter, even when logging over), then earned enough Champion’s Seals at the Argent Tournament on my pally to buy another mount. When learning that Argent Tourney mount on my pally, the counter jumped up 2 numbers from 353 to 355.

I reported it over 6+ months ago… They have done nothing… Enjoy!


Make sure you log onto ALL of your toons that may have class-specific mounts, ie. Pali or Warlock.

For example, I’m at 466, but some of my toons had shown 465. I had to make sure I loaded my Paladin and Warlock to capture mounts that were exclusive to them. I had to do this when I was chasing the achievement myself. Just make a note to log onto each toon and remember which ones change your count number. It’s annoying, but, long time known problem.

no, this is a new problem.

i have the highest mount count on my paladins.

got 3 class mounts on a paladin, watched the achievement tick 297, 298, 299…

then went and learned:
Brinedeep Bottom Feeder and Ratstallion on another character.

logging back to the paladin, it didn’t change the mount count.
(also logged other paladins, warlock, engineers/tailors just as a precaution)
achievement count stayed at 299.

Did a 100 badge grind on the paladin to get Argent Tournament mount.
…the achievement for 300 mounts popped, and the mount count instantly went from 299 to 303.

the game needed the mount to be LEARNED on the highest mount-count character for them to register toward the total, and refresh the count.


I am having similar problems.

A few weeks ago, I earned the Stormpike Battle Charger/Frostwolf Snarler from Korrak’s Revenge, but my mount total in the “No Stable Big Enough” achievement progress remained at 301.

I logged on and out of every. Single. One. of my characters, and it still didn’t update. My count remained stubbornly at 301.

I went through a few ticket reopenings trying to get to the bottom of this, and was eventually told that they could not help me; my highest character should be Mahnta-Bleeding Hollow, a 54 Horde Paladin, but logging on to her didn’t work, and they couldn’t fix this for me manually, so I should submit a bug report and hope for the best.

I no idea why Mahnta is my character with the highest number; I assume my Horde Rogue LW with 2 prof mounts all 3 class mounts should have been, or even my Alliance Druid I’ve mained for 13 years. It happened quite suddenly several months ago that I had to log on to Mahnta to get the total to update, and I hadn’t used her since freaking Cataclysm nor have I earned any Pally class mounts! Yet another bug?

Fast forward to just now. Yesterday, I earned the Obsidian Worldbreaker. Did this perfect, cross-faction mount give me a new tally in my achievement progress? Absolutely not. Even after logging on to my Horde characters my number did not go up from 301 to 302, let alone the 303 I should have by now.

My only idea is that perhaps none of these counted because I earned them on an Alliance character. Who knows? Perhaps it is a problem with the Anniversary mounts. Perhaps my account/characters are broken in some way.

I’ve read that Blizz fixed a bug where people’s anniversary rewards were unusable. Perhaps they didn’t fix it all the way? :woman_shrugging:

In any case, at this point I’m scared to earn any more mounts for fear they’ll get lost in the shuffle somehow.

Wow, this had better not be the solution because I am NOT rerolling just to change a number.


Glad I checked back here before I bought squeakers today.I almost bought it on my main then remembered this issue.

Logged onto my paladin, after buying wow tokens on my main to get funds into my bnet account, to buy it to ensure the count went up.

Sad that this issue is still occurring. I am 17 away from 400 and it is sad that any mount I get on my main it not going to count. At least not until that number surpasses the number of mounts my pally has at the moment anyways.


Yeah, I got a Yeti to drop today on my Horde Rogue LW (second highest mount total) and the count went up by one to 302… NOT all the way up to the 304 I should have by now. so getting a new mount is not necessarily a fix. As we know it is not possible for me to farm mounts on my inexplicably highest-counted character…

I resubbed early and worked through carpal tunnel just to get those anniversary mounts. I am NOT happy my pain was wasted.

Yep… I was 383 and I added Squeakers and the Drake of the Four Winds and still showing 383

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Insane. Why are you ignoring this thread, Blizzard? At least acknowledge the problem.

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I am having the same issue as well. I learned a mount on my pally, it upped the total to what it should of been, learned a new mount on my main, a hunter and it did not change the total for lord of the reins. It is wrong if we have to learn it on a certain class to get it to count. My main is my hunter, not my pally. I shouldn’t have to worry about getting mounts on my hunter because if i get them on her they don’t " end up counting". I do not play my pally all that much. Blizz really needs to fix this. I even tried the whole log onto the pally and even ride around on the mount and it still has not changed. i am 3 mounts away from the achievement and I will be beyond upset, if I do not get it when i get the 300th mount because it may not be on my pally at the time.