Mount count not changing since 8.2.5

Still no acknowledgement from the powers that be about this I see. Got the quest in Uldum today on my main that brought her total usable mount count to 384 and the achievement count went up to 384.

Logged onto my pally and her usable mount count went from 386 to 387 but the achievement count still remains at 384.

Yep, it’s still happening. My DH has her mount count at 251 so I should have had the 251 mount count ding, but I’m still showing 248 mounts…

Still happening. I just bought two mounts off the store, when I was 1 away from the 400 achievement. Neither brought my count up, and I also logged into all my other characters.

Probably because they won’t bother fixing this bug until at least patch 9.0.1, unfortunately.

So, my count did move, unevenly though… I was at 395, bought 3 frogs in nazmir, got the alpaca in ulduum, got the swarmer in ulduum… should be 400… nope… 399… A couple days later, I bought the alabaster mounts from the shop… still 399… I checked warcraftmounts dot com - my pally shows 402, my DK 401, my DH 400… and yet I sit at 399

And I’ve sent 2 bug reports, one before and one after spending actual $$ on a mount.

This has been an issue since 8.2.5 and the only way around it seams to be to get your new mount on the character with the highest mount count. Not sure what they got going on that makes this so bad

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This has happened on and off for me. Right now I’m at 354 but showing 352. So stupid. Clearly, nobody cares. I guess the math wizards at Blizzard are furloughed.


Well, My achievement count is at 396 and my pally account is at 399. Trudging my way through the Argent Tournament on my pally to get the pally mount which I hope will update the count to where it should be.

This issue is definitely still happening today.

I checked my total, and confirmed it was still 251. I then bought and trained two mounts on my Shaman. Total stayed at 251. I logged into my Paladin and checked the achievement, still 251. I then trained a new mount and the total updated to 254.
My current solution is to purchase 1 more AH mount for my Paladin and when I hit 299, I’ll ensure I train it on him to get to 300 (current goal). It would be nice to have a fix, but at least I know how I can get around the bug.

I too have this issue. My in-game mount count Is 274. The wowhead tracker says 310, warcraftmounts says 347, and my armory says 342.

I’ve only been paying attention in the game to the 274 number because I’m tracking it, since I really want the Heavenly Azure Cloud Serpent from the Lord of the Reins achievement. It’s been at 274/300 for awhile. In the last week I’ve added:

  • Witherbark Direwing
  • Royal Snapdragon
  • Rajani Warserpent (praise be RNGeezus!)
  • Steamscale Incinerator

After reading this thread, and Blizzard’s troubleshooting page that says to use the wowhead tracker, I’m pretty sure I’ve been stuck for awhile, and the 310 number is likely the real number.

EDIT: Today I added a toy and got the Remember to Share achievement for 300 toys and the Mechanized Lumber Extractor reward. However, my Toy Count stands at 299, not 300.

My Mount Count was still at 274, so I started logging on all my toons. When I got to my baby level 29 Paladin that I rarely play, her count had jumped to 279. So then relogged on a few toons including my main who I got the toy and mount on, and her count is now at 277. Still seems off.

EDIT: Bought a mount of the AH two days ago that I didn’t have, and the counter changed to 278 (280 for my Paladin.)

Just now, the Malevolent Drone dropped. I learned it, and the achievement tracking counter did not change, it still says 278. However, under Stats my Mounts Owned changed to 279 (281 for my Pali.)

Armory count now says 346.
Wowhead tracker now says 314.
Warcraftmounts now says 351.

The counter is definitely bugged and needs to be fixed.

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Same issue stuck at 349/350, have gotten 6 mounts since I hit 349, zero increase in mount count. I have toon hopped, realm hopped, boosted a warlock to 110 for two mounts there, even went in AQ to see if that’d refresh those four mounts or something if I used them. No dice, answer from Blizz GM was to toon hop, so no help there. Checked my mount count under Achievements->Statistics->Gear and it was 353 on my paladin, and 351 on my warrior main, sadly the warlock did nothing and doesn’t have 350 usable mounts. Think even my DK was 353 mounts owned as well, maybe it’ll be patched on Tuesday…


‘‘265’’ mounts here, got 2 more from the cata Ramkahem faction. Still 265, should be 267.

same here, my counter should be at 338 but is at 336 atm, i opened a ticket with blizzard but they pretty much are useless, they are not willing to solve the issue and just are asking to “raise a bug”

Can confirm that this is still an existing bug - mount count on the achievement was 383. Bought a really, really ugly Nazmir mount :wink: from the AH and learned it on this paladin - the one with the highest usable mount count - and the achievement went to 385, so something learned previously, presumably on another character, didn’t count.

Though I could swear the last mount I learned WAS on the paladin, and it was the 6-month-subscription dragon - so perhaps learning store mounts is bugged as well.

Either way, confirmed. And euwwwwww that mount I bought was ugly. So, so ugly.

I was on my DK doing timewalking stuff and I bought a toy, this set off an achievement for 300 toys and gave me the goblin lumber shredder mount and made the 350 No Stable Big Enough achv pop, which brought my immediate on use mount count to 354 for a single toon, so from 349/350 to 354/350 after getting one mount, yay math nerds at Blizz! I can confirm that getting a fresh, new mount on a toon with enough mounts will force the achv to work as intended. It was a nice surprise to have two achv’s pop at the same time even if I had to wait a while.

Bumping this thread to say it is still an issue. Was at 294, learned 3 mounts on my Shaman, achievement still said 294.

Logged onto my Paladin, still at 294. Bought a cheap mount off the AH, learned it, and boom, 298.

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Still an issue. I learned a few mounts one from Argent Tournament, Azure Drake, Mecha-Mogul MK2, more class mounts on my paladin as well, and still stuck at 231 when I should be about 234 at least.

EDIT: Purchased the WOD digital collection and unwrapped the mount on my Paladin, nothing still… still stuck at 231

EDIT #2: Got back on my Paladin yesterday and went for an “easy” mount at AQ40. Got the red one to drop, learned it and mount count went to 237.

Today 9/24, my warrior picked up a raptor mount from Primal Egg, count stuck at 237 still.

So I’m going to pick up another easy mount to learn on my Pally and save it for when I need to hit 250.

I noticed once I got close to the 300 achievement it started not counting all the new mounts I was getting. I had to get to 304 before it finally ticked over the achievement for 300. And this was on my shammy so it wasn’t multiple class mounts counting as extra. I’m now having the same issue with trying for the 100 Reps exalted. I’m at 99 and the laughing skull orcs didn’t count.

I think the system is secretly screwed up to make you think you’re closer then you are or something.

For those struggling to understand why sometimes the achievement does not increase, after some testing I came up with these findings:

Let’s start with a simple scenario where on your account you have a rogue and a warrior and both have 10 mounts. No unique or exclusive mounts present, both characters can use 10 mounts.

You can check on Statistics > Gear > Mounts owned that both characters have 10 mounts.
You can check on the mounts Achievement that you have 10 mounts.

Now let’s pretend you got a gladiator mount on your rogue, which currently is exclusive to the rogue.
At this precise moment, the rogue mounts owned will go to 11.
The warrior mounts owned stays 10.
A script will run for your Mount achievement progress and check, is the mounts owned of this character (the rogue) greater than the current progress? Yes, because 11 > 10, so update the achievement progress also to 11.

So current status is
Rogue mounts owned: 11
Warrior mounts owned: 10
Achievement progress: 11

Now let’s pretend you got a mount on your warrior, but not an exclusive one.
At this precise moment, the warrior mount goes to 11.
The rogue mounts goes to 12.
A script will run for your Mount achievement progress and check, is the mounts owned of this character (the warrior) greater than the current progress? No, because 11 is not > 11, so DO NOT update the achievement progress.

So current status is
Rogue mounts owned: 12
Warrior mounts owned: 11
Achievement progress: 11

THAT’s why sometimes you will get a mount but not see an increase on the achievement tracker!

Now let’s pretend you got a mount on your rogue, but not an exclusive one.
At this precise moment, the rogue mount goes to 13.
The warrior mounts goes to 12.
A script will run for your Mount achievement progress and check, is the mounts owned of this character (the rogue) greater than the current progress? Yes, because 13 is > 11, so DO update the achievement progress to 13.

THAT’s why you sometimes will get ONE mount but see an increase of 2 on the achievement tracker!

So if you want to “fix” your achievement progress, you just need to get a mount on any character where their mounts owned is bigger than the current achievement progress.