Morhaime Apologizes to Women

Sitting at home typing on a keyboard isn’t quite the same as taking to the streets with pitch forks.


You can never underestimate the power of amnesia. Some people make it their job to be upset about whatever the latest outrage is. That seems like exhausting work to me, but you’re right: they’ll forget in a few weeks and something else will crop up to keep the bees busy. The digital pitchforks are real though: they get people fired, suicide’d, divorced, and abandoned. Do not underestimate a frothing mob; they’re real, and they can ruin you if provoked.


For sure, but like I said it’s all about weathering the initial onslaught. I have no doubt that Blizzard will be able to do that. Sure maybe a few people get fired, but if people think this is going to be THE thing that changes everything… think again.

People are having their lives and careers ruined because a group of mentally insane idiots do not like that they VOTED (in a democratic country) for Orange man.

You can’t make that crap up.



No, it is not.

Press X for doubt.


Oh get over yourself. Afrasiabi had to be pulled off a woman by coworkers and got a “talking to.” If this were your wife or your sister you wouldn’t be outraged? This behavior was pervasive and in plain site. The investigation has been ongoing since 2019. But you think no one should be outraged?


I think you just did.

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This reminds me for a lot of things that happened a few years back. All I’m going to say is this, innocent until proven guilty. Never Guilty till proven innocent.

That being said, I’m skeptical. Women have ruined many lives of men for allegations like this. But no one bats an eye when it ends up being false.

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The State of California is suing Activision-Blizzard.

Neither of those entities have a gender nor do they have a biological sex. In fact, they don’t actually have lives to ruin.

But, you knew that. You just wanted to accuse women of false reporting.


Please show me where I said that.

Lol get flagged

The overweight pink-haired brigade can’t help themselves, they are the true warriors of social justice on the internet


As opposed to what? Thats the point of the statement, control the damage lol

When one out of every five posts here is written by some pig, it’s not far fetched to conclude these allegations are true. There’s evidence all around that makes this suit more likely to be based on fact rather than lies.

This to me says you’ve concluded that all this is just hearsay and everyone should keep their mouths shut.

One more thing I’d like to bring up. Long after these threads die out - and they will - people WILL remember. And when they’re brought up apologists and detractors can counter with, “Are you still on about that?” or “I see so-and-so is still living rent free in your head,” but people don’t get amnesia as you claimed.

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That’s a strange conclusion you’ve reached there. It sounds to me like you’ve erroneously roped me in with others who do not take these allegations seriously. Nothing could be further from the truth. However, there’s a large disparity between the mob and the actual victims. To the mob, they seek new things to become outraged about all of the time, and yes, they will soon forget and move on to the next topic to virtue signal about. It happens all of the time.

To the actual victims: my hope is they find real justice. The PR campaign that includes Morhaim’s letter is not it. It’s easy to understand that is corporate-speak and they have to minimize public damage as much as possible. The actual victims will hopefully find justice and peace and be able to keep their jobs and provide for themselves and their families. Not everyone wants the same things, and their goals may not necessarily align with the mob’s. For some, they’d rather be left alone, find new employment, or settle their dispute with HR. For others, they stand ready to demand X, Y, and Z. Perhaps they will get it.

Will justice be served? We will see. But I feel confident nothing will ever satiate the mob; they’re a vile, vicious group whose duty they’ve made it to bring ruin upon those they deem guilty; their verdicts are swift and I pity anyone caught in their crosshairs of “justice” because it’s anything but that.

He blood well is guilty. The fact that he knows he’s guilty is why he mea culpa’d. That’s what you’re supposed to do when you mess up so colossally.

For what? What did he do?

Did he say what exactly he did?

Or is he apologizing on behalf of people who were alleged to have done things?

Seems to me he’s shooting himself in the foot and screwing Blizzard over since he’s assumed they’re guilty before any verdict has even been reached.

His apology screams of CYA. You never say anything even remotely apologetic, because it’s pretty much admitting fault.

Go look on the back of your liability insurance. iHope it says to NOT ADMIT FAULT. What Morhaime said is looked by at least me, and lawyers will say any reasonable man, is admitting fault.

Blizzard is screwed. We just don’t know how much.

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In this age of public perception and social media, I think people try to get ahead of the coming drama by distancing themselves from a problem they were more than likely part of.

And for someone to admit it, it must have been worse than we know.


I don’t understand why he would “admit” to anything when nothing has, as of yet, been proven.