Morhaime Apologizes to Women

He is or was part of the top group of Blizzard staff.

You can’t really believe he had no idea what was happening there.


You get better treatment if it happened and you admit it happened. i.e. lower amounts of money given to the plaintiff or a reduced jail sentence.

If it didn’t happen, you’d be seeing a way different picture than what we are getting.

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Whatever was happening is based on allegations.

All Morhaime is doing is throwing a shadow of doubt over his own company during a lawsuit.

He is basically throwing Blizzard under the bus. And this comes after he left the company as well. He has since founded his own company. Is it really good PR for your own company to know that your boss will essentially throw you under the bus in hindsight when under a lawsuit?

If what happened?

Nobody has proven anything so far. It’s still up to the courts. Morhaime has assumed guilt on behalf of the company he left before a verdict has even been reached.

How does that shed a good light on him?


This is the STATE of CALIFORNIA.

AKA the whole state will and it’s resources will go after Blizzard and make sure they are found guilty.

Not a random person.

Also explains why Blizzard is moving to Texas.

What’s your point?

Oh you damn well know the WHAT, orange supporter…

If you don’t know the difference why are you even typing?

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He is saying what he has to say, you can’t take that as meaning every single accusation is true.

So no, not all of them are liars, but likely some.

If you can’t tell me what your point is, why are you even typing?

The point was: It’s the State of California that built this case after two years.

I really hate you contrarians, that have no argument but you keep typing your one line garbage sentences.

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“I wanted to acknowledge the women who had awful experiences. I hear you, I believe you”

They learned from an orange person. Keep saying the lie and people will believe the lie.

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I love how Trump is injected into random places as if 75 million people didn’t vote for him.

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That doesn’t mean anything to me.

Do you really think a judge is going to hear, “We built this case after two years” and say, “Well, then that means they’re obviously guilty!”

Tell me, do you think that’s how this works?

That’s precisely how they think this works.

You: :fishing_pole_and_fish:

Me: :thinking:

Its a very corrupt govt with corrupt people working for it investigating a corrupt corporation who’s got corrupt people working for it. I trust neither organization to tell the truth as it is.


Victims very often do not get to make the choices you describe.

Wooppee’s “victims” are the kind of folks who will spend years speaking out against the “oppressor” before making enough money to find a comfortable house and neighborhood among said “oppressors” in an effort to distance themselves from other “victims.”