Morhaime Apologizes to Women

there is a generation that demands people accept their 3 months expired coupons at denny’s and throws a fit about anyone else not “working” as hard as they did while also being the last generation to put 3 kids through college and buy their own homes on one income. won’t get into who that is, or that entire generation of karen’s raised us (millenials) but you know.

they were able to do all that WITHOUT a college education as well. which is just… lol


It’s just another wild and happenin’ Saturday night here on the forums, lol.

I respect the guy if he didnt know or only had rumors of these issues… but if it was involvement no.

Blizzard being quiet about it just makes them look more and more of a disgraceful company

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Sadly, I know too many millennials for me to believe this. A spirited defense though, well done.

If they get any worse, maybe you’d finally make the cut. Get your resume ready!

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I dont want to make 40k a year in California… that would be ignorant


xennials do exist. and those of us that are, are not like the ones born much later. as the you know whos that are born closer to gen x aren’t as annoying as the ones i generalized, either. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I don’t need a judge or jury to know what’s true.


The comedic irony is completely lost on you, which is the funniest part.


no, ive always though the forums were a giant cesspool.

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I wasn’t referring to the forums… Just what’s said here.

Well I’ll take a dive in the generational battle. I think it’s ridiculous for grown adults to criticize young people for the generation they belong to. The young have had very little power or influence in this world. They are simply trying to flourish in a world that boomers and gen Xers (and silent etc…) built.


Older generations have been blaming younger generations for millenia.

Don’t let that last word trigger you, though.

So now that it’s out in the open he’s sorry? Yea ok…


Yet another reason why we need unions…


Someone’s doing some CYA.


You’re assuming guilt. Yes that is how mob justice works and no… saying that they are known to be guilty is not letting them have their day in court.

Here’s a tip, add ‘probably’ to your statement. Then it’s accurate. They’re probably guilty as there’s extensive corroborating evidence.

That’s accurate. They are guilty… is not… Neither is ‘everyone knows they’re guilty.’



Justice is mob justice now. It’s 2021. The internet decides, and if mob justice is denied in a court room, then the internet will say justice was not served. Moreover, certain victims aren’t even really victims, but don’t get me started on that.


Ya I don’t think the internet’s reach is that great tbh… I mean it definitely has reach, but I guarantee you that in 2 weeks… we’ll all be outraged at the next injustice and no one will give a crap about any of this… all one has to do is weather the first onslaught, which blizzard has done before.

It’s… actually really sad tbh…