Morhaime Apologizes to Women

He’s not named as a defendant, right? He’s no longer with the company. So he has nothing to lose except his reputation.

This was written by his lawyers to help soften the personal PR blow. It’s damage control. Read the whole statement. It basically says, I read the allegations and I’m just as shocked as everyone else, I tried my best in this regard, but it looks like I came up short. I’m sorry. Please forgive me.

His lawyers are trying to turn him into a sypathetic figure.


To paraphrase:

“I’m saddened this happened and if I’d known I would have done something to stop it” - The guy who was told repeatedly this was happening and did nothing to stop it.


Except no. If I punch you in the face and you sue me, and I offer 1,000$ in compensation as settlement and you accept, sorry to inform that YOU considered that your justice was worth 1,000$ and you accepted.

Justice will be done and served when the people victimized by this follow this to the end and the people who are guilty get a sentence. If the victims decide their justice is worth X amount, then people like you cannot scream injustice. The victims decide what is their justice worth in the end: consequences for those who did those things, or a big wad of cash.


This needs to exist. It’s settled! I’m either going to start a Christian death metal band by that name, or a vegan yogurt company.


And I didn’t think you could sink any lower.


You just won the award for the stupidest post of all time. Gratz.

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Why not both? :grin:

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lore threw him under the bus. was hilarious.

Eh, tbh, I don’t like either.


im starting to think blizzard is just a giant cesspool. reading some of the comments made by women at blizzard that some of the worst abuse they got was from other women, and then adding that to what was listed in the lawsuit… sheesh.


You must be new to the forums, then.

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I imagine he still holds quite a bit of ATVI stock, but isn’t he a billionaire? So he could potentially lose money.

However the market seems indifferent about this.

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It’s almost as if capitalism and virtuosity are mutually exclusive.


If you think that buddy, wait til you get a load of communism.


I thought your boy Reagan destroyed communism back in the 80’s.


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I knew it was a bad sign when they made Sylvanas the new arch enemy.
Maybe after they fire everyone she will become the hero and we will have a decent expansion again.


Ah, a nobody on the internet has an opinion, let’s give you the credibility you’re so desperate for.

  1. You’re a nobody.
  2. You’re not the victims.
  3. They decide what justice is worth to them in the end.

Not negotiable. People like you have no say in the end.

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At least millennials believed in working to pay for their stuff. The current, useless generation believes it should be paid to study, to stay at home, and to not work. Want to talk useless and entitled? Yeah, look no further.

How did this turn into a battle of the generations?

Like I said we’ll know if it goes to court but I don’t think it will. I said before that it will get handled behind the scenes, Blizzard will do a little virtue signaling, donate to charity or some fund, say they’ll do training and that will be it.

They’ll want to cut off everything at the knees before a #metoo movement happens at blizzard.

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