I can't take this no more

You don’t get to be a dick and then play the victim when a smarter, bigger and more able dick calls you out. Sorry… you got out-dicked. It happens.

Oh please do. I’ll wait

Its hilarious because… even on the WOW forums I have a 6000 post history that is admittedly disproportionately concerned with defending progressive values on a video game forum (I know its silly and pointless but :man_shrugging:.) So to act like you’re going to go through MY post history and pick out instances of misogyny is truly hilarious. If I’ve been accused of anything it’s being overly woke, just ask Fasc etc.

TLDR: Try harder

Just did a quick search on my own history… For reference…

But please… Show me my post history of misogyny. I can’t wait