Morhaime Apologizes to Women

So is he getting “cancel cultured” or what?

There’s no such thing.


Okay, “cancelled” is not a thing?

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I wonder if this is step one in a plan to throw certain people to the wolves.

The PROBLEM with that plan is that even if you manage to throw said guilty people to the wolves, you’re still guilty of not having taken proper steps to have a safe work environment while knowing this was taking place.


Of course.

I doubt Morhaime is worried about any actual legal repercussions.


Cali spent 2 years investigating before they sued, they have a mountain of evidence.


Screw the rules, he has money?

Well, that, and he no longer works at the company the state of California is suing.

I said the exact same thing a bit earlier in the thread. :wink:

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I agree that it’s probably legit but we don’t know it’s 100 yet. I’m not someone who is going to jump to conclusions even if I’m sure it’s a sealed deal. Everything is 50/50 until it’s said and done.

Only if you shut off your brain.


This is shocking news coming from a company that treats their employees like trash.


You seen the evidence? You got a crystal ball? I agree with you that this is legit but aint nothing 100% when it comes to court cases or investigations. Even if something seems like a slam dunk there’s always a chance something changes everything up.

I’m sure Blizzard is guilty as all hell, look at the people they hire. People who have issues and said crazy stuff on public platforms, had bad behavior etc. I bet there’s a whole lot going on even now we don’t know about.

But until the case is done I’m not gonna go 100 on anything, even if I’m sure of the outcome.


Mike Morhaime, the co-founder of the company confessed.


Lol, a PR apology isn’t a confession.

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I’d say wait until this gets settled in court… but it’ll never make it to court. They’ll settle outside of court and a lot of people will be receiving an undisclosed (large) amount of money. That money will probably be used to buy a fleet of small yahts. Perhaps those yachts could surround and pester a bigger yacht?


In the end, justice will not be done. Justice is never done. What those women went through cannot be compensated for (yes I ended a sentence with a preposition).

Mike Morhaim, Bobby Kotick, and all the those who got rich at blizzard will come out of this rich. They will sacrifice and scapegoat someone under them, and this is just the way the world works.

Everyone who ever gets anywhere close to the top of the corporate ladder already knows this. It is sad but true.


That’s a stupid “rule” made up by a guy who wanted English to follow the grammar rules of Latin.

Unfortunately, English isn’t based on Latin. Or, at least not enough for that “rule” to work.


It’s a crazy thing, ain’t it?

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Glad I’m not the only one who understands that! :smiley:

Also, those same teachers told us we would not have a calculator with us everywhere we go. Joke was on them :rofl: