More XP in Follower Instances Would Be Nice

I mean, for me the main reason to do a follower dungeon outside of completing quests would be to get a tutorial on how the dungeon works; I can see where the mobs are, what they do, the rough distance between bosses (Important for determining lust priority in m+)…

Also it’s worth noting that a lot of people who identify as casual gamers regard running M+ at lower tiers or normal raid as still being within the realm of acceptable.

blizzard has explicity said no themselves. they have explicity stated that it is NOT meant to replace group content nor is it GOING TO.

That viewpoint is extremely extinct as of Dragonflight season 4 and going forward with the existing dungeon difficulty tier paradigm. Like, people can have it, they’re just utterly out of touch.

In TWW, the casual path is normal dungeons (with or without followers) to heroics and/or delves.

Dang it, why you gotta be so lovable in this heated thread :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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It’s basically a story mode.

Be grateful it has any rewards at all tbh.

They are making a story mode for raid too.
(Likely won’t have gear drops)

Inb4 people ask for that to have more rewards.

Follower dungeons shouldn’t reward any experience beyond the quest turn ins.

It’s a method for learning classes, finishing quests, and seeing the story. It’s not for power leveling.

It hurts absolutely no one for follower dungeons to give base kill XP, and I’m actually quite impressed that there are generous lump sum XP awards given per boss.

Anyone who chooses follower dungeons over queueing shouldn’t feel made to queue due to follower dungeons giving literally no XP. If someone is willing to take the efficiency hit of leveling via follower dungeons, they clearly very much don’t want to play with you/randos, and shouldn’t have to. Who wants to play an online game with someone that doesn’t want to be there with you? Let people own their time.

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Fair. I disregarded kill experience. I don’t have a problem with that.

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I mean, fair enough?

See, I disagree. If people want to go and do nothing but FD’s to get to endgame my response is to just shrug my shoulders and say “sure”.

By the same coin though, I don’t think it should have the same rewards that a regular dungeon has because the simple fact is that the difficulty is virtually nonexistant (I’m pretty sure you can go through a full dungeon without ever making an attack and still complete it; it’ll be slow and miserable but it is feesible).

And for a player like the OP: speed of leveling/gear is basically a moot point, since they’re not actually planning to play with other humans; they don’t have to worry about stat priority, Class tiers, progression, rotation… They can just go full disney tourist mode and have no real stress playing the game. It’s not how I would go (I want to challenge myself and see how far I can go) but I can see how this would appeal to some people.

Follower dungeons (once they were granted FULL kill XP, well after they were launched) ended up being a really good companion to heirlooms, which augment the efficiency of rest, the greatest buff to kill XP. Fully rested, a decent length follower dungeon gets about 1/3 of a level, and my friends and I often run follower dungeons on darkmoon faire weeks.

It is NOWHERE near as efficient as LFD queueing, but there are a few dungeons in Dragonflight that are very PUG unfriendly, so we gladly take the hit. They’re also cross faction, as I mentioned above. We definitely consider follower dungeons worth the efficiency hit as a hangout among friends, and they’re really fun in groups of 2-3.

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They don’t but I have killed things so fast on warrior and kept pulling the healer left the group. Don’t believe me. Take a geared dps into one and just go nuts pulling and smashing everything. The healer will leave and rejoin.

Would probably use the follower dungeons feature more often if the xp was better for sure. Other than that, I’ll just stick to TW dungeons when they are up for that great xp. Tw’s are basically power leveling anyways. Guess follower dungeons are decent for newer players to learn the classes, and specs, rotations, etc they play, but heck if you can’t figure that out after hammering a target dummy for a few minutes idk lol.

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I generally use strictly follower dungeons to level healers now. I actually rolled a healer of each type I didn’t already have gathering dust from legion, the last time I even considered healing randos. Now I’m up to speed on how all the healers work and it’s all thanks to follower dungeons… but I’m never dipping a toe into LFD as a healer ever again!

Factually they don’t if your asking for XP you can’t get in them. By extension of asking for more XP it doesn’t replace the purpose of pug content. The XP reward is BECAUSE your doing group and pug content.

Incentivizing lower difficulty, lesser time investment, solo activities in a way that creates a competing interest for players between that and the actual group content for which an MMORPG is named for and designed to push you towards. Harms the general game as a whole and homogenizes it to a point where you lose players of all interests. These games are built around a chase. The people getting that new higher reward loose the chase sooner because its easier to get. The people doing the harder content whose reward isn’t changed loose the incentive to do it because they can just do the other content and end the chase faster too. Everyone ends up harmed.

The treadmill - is working as intended. It’s been that way since the earliest MMOs were called MUDs. (Multi User Dungeons)

I’m assuming your not part of a Guild. If you are find another guild so you don’t have to pug. If your not part of a guild, that is why they exist so you don’t need to pug. The core game loop of an MMORPG is party combat encounters of varying sizes. It is not an assassin’s creed solo RPG game you can play at home on your couch by yourself. An MMORPG is not a solo game with a chat room feature. Your meant to interact with other players.

Yeah, pretty much a useless feature other than getting some dungeon quests done. Get better stuff from the open world weeklies also. So, Buffing the xp you get from follower dungeons would at least make them somewhat relevant imo.

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This again. “All you need to do is move your 15 toons to a higher pop server and make some friends who want to play with you for a half hour at a time on completely no schedule.”

The narcissism is unbelievable.

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Being part of a guild does not entitle you to anyone else’s time or magically give you an aligning schedule to players that are eager to do the same content as you. It’s not 2006 any more. Scheduled play does happen, there are entire modes for it, but leveling isn’t necessarily among those modes.

I am in a small guild of RL friends that met in WOTLK. We are lucky if we can schedule 3 of us on at once a few times a month, and I’d never trade that in for any large group of people that aren’t even necessarily a social upgrade from randos in LFD.

Playing with friends is of course ideal, but grown adults can’t necessarily just pull those schedule alignments out of our butts any more.

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I respect that you know who you are and that you have loyalty for your community regardless of its size. For me personally, the community I play with is what keeps me playing an MMO twenty years later. I can empathize with how much easier it is to avoid people and how difficult it can be to coordinate activities. I’ve been doing it a long time. I’m in my mid 40s, happily married for over 20 years, luckily to a gamer also who shares my hobbies, I am employed full time in IT and I do not work from home and I have an 8 year old son. I get it.

But the point I made stands.

There is a very broad and large rainbow of genre of games available to us all to go play. The genre dictates the over arching design of the game. It’s not about it not being 2006, it’s about a football doesn’t magically become a baseball because someone is holding a football but wants to play baseball. You can pickup a stick and hit the football but there are consequences to that. The football doesn’t move like a baseball. You don’t call up the football manufacturer and complain that the football is not a baseball.

There’s more than enough content to keep anyone in the shoes your in busy even if your approaching an MMORPG as an RPG and avoiding doing the group activities MMORPGS are know for.

Their adding delves and other things meant for smaller groups.

But they should not start handing out the same rewards to everyone regardless of how they play the game. Turning MMORPGs not just wow but any other into just an open world online game where you happen to run across people is a travesty to what was and has been an amazing genre for years.

Those games already exist. If that’s what you want - it sucks your not happy here but those may be more suited to your desires. So you can play how you want in a genre that is meant to be played how your playing it.

Not everyone has the luxury of taking an evening each week to dedicate to a game. People have children, take care of elderly with cognitive problems, have demanding jobs, etc.

Follower dungeons are good for that because if you stop, the bots wait for you and if you have to quit they don’t mind.

Clearly that’s not the case if they don’t give the same rewards (you’re OP is asking for more XP, so I would guess it’s not on par with the XP from regular dungeons).