More XP in Follower Instances Would Be Nice

There are millions of people who play and have played WoW for the solo experience and Blizzard wants their money and wants them to have fun.


5 runs per level isn’t fast enough? I’m not sure I’d be comfortable if it was faster than questing in the open world.

Leveling in dungeons and BGs has always been faster than questing, unless it’s boosted or guild questing.

But that extra xp in PuGs is sort of compensation for all the possible social drama that could happen with real players. Follower dungeons are a better experience at the cost of being a little slower.

(At least that’s how I’ve interpreted them)


The fact that Blizzard allows leveling by tagging mobs while a max level character kills them should be a strong indication that lots of play styles are tolerated even if they are clearly intended to be exploitative. IMO it would be reasonable to have XP nerfed hard in party kills for low level characters, but I’ll trade that for better XP in follower instances.

If you’re not interested in engaging with other players why do you need the rewards from the dungeons to be better?

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Freedom of association combined with I paid for the game just like everyone else?

None of which is infringed upon under the current system; if anything you are getting the advantages of a drama free environment with no pressure or obligation to perform and in return are reciveing a proportional reward for doing so.

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Fun fact, the other party member doesn’t even have to tag them, they can afk as long as they click something every 20mins to avoid the automatic logout.

So people are defending AI dungeon leveling being snail speed while the meta leveling tactic is literally not even playing the game. (Or buying boosts, they’re still only 60 USD and come with 424 ilvl).

XP should be removed from follower dungeons altogether.

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So, I feel you, I also replaced PUGing with follower dungeons, especially with healers, but I do not think it’s likely that they will give more XP for a couple reasons.

  1. Bringing LITERALLY AT LEAST ONE MORE PERSON almost exponentially expedites follower dungeons. A friend of mine who actually uses a DPS meter said that the combined group of followers were behind them in damage, so the way to make these more efficient is to bring at least one more damage dealing friend. I feel the social incentive of this is not going to be countered by an increase in XP, and I can’t blame WoW for having this incentive implied. As a side note, follower dungeons ARE cross faction if you enter by speaking to the follower NPC near the instance portal

  2. Bear in mind that 60-70 takes about as long as 10-60, in regards to leveling time required. Dragonflight follower dungeons should be a notable and reasonable route from 10-70 in the war within, with delves taking over at 70 for alts. That said, it is an old axiom of WoW that current levels are not easily trivialized as a timesink outside live queued PUGing speedruns which come with their own hazards, which we escape by willfully taking the efficiency hit of follower dungeons or other soloable methods.

Again, I’d love to see follower dungeons buffed as a path, but I get the reasoning why it’s unlikely.

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Yeah, I don’t run them because there is almost no reward for lots of time spent

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Sure, but that also doesn’t mean everyone should expect the game to cater to their particular preference. At some point it’s on the customer to actually want to play what the game they’re paying for is offering.

Not really any different than someone who prefers burgers going to McDonald’s instead of Taco Bell, rather than expecting Taco Bell to start offering burgers.

… Wait, could a Taco Bell burger be a sleeper hit…

lol…yeah, its not like that. The AI bots are NUTS except for the tank if you let him lead…though they went way overboard on the tank being ‘safe’ if you ask me.

the other three AI Players are total idiots…way worse, in my opinion, than 99% of the PUGs youre gonna run into…

:point_up: :point_up: :point_up:
We ALL put time into things for the reward. Im not farming old raids for good times…Im farming them for MOGS and other payout.

If Ion doesnt up the gain on these AI dungeons they’ll sit there being unused mostly and will have been a total waste of time.
I literally chose to QUEST again for the 15th time to get a character to 70 rather than waste so much time NOT getting half decent XP in AI dungeons.
had they been equal payout, Id have used the dungeons for the most part leveling alts.


Yes but they’re nice, quiet, patient idiots.

You can also pull for your tank which works great because that is one Johnny-on-the-spot pally. Also that pally watches to see if you’re about to die.

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omg…the healer…the tank literally runs around stuff to NOT pull it and ive watched that healer run THRU it and pull the entire thing so much its like…ok, this ISNT worth the extra time investment fighting this crap if Im getting pocket lint for rewards here lol.

I mean, Im NOT a vote kicker at all. Ive voted very few times in 7 years of playing WoW to kick someone…but that healer…lmao…yeah…literally has a kick coming if they ever made it a thing lol

I don’t see any reason to increase the experience gain or rewards from follower dungeons. They’re intended to allow people to run the dungeons in order to complete dungeon quests easily. I ran one when I needed to get a quest item from Halls of Infusion. I also ran one on my main (my mage) just to see what the experience was like, and it was very slow.

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I don’t see why anyone would think that the only purpose of follower dungeons is “to allow people to […] complete dungeon quests easily.”

That seems like a very individualistic viewpoint.

So if your personal preference is to raid, and hardcore raiding is its usual 1-2% of the player base, why should Blizzard care about you?

This timeless question is getting off topic though. The truth is that somewhere between the majority and vast majority of WoW players, not as a percentage of people on forums, but as a percentage of paying players, are casual gamers who just want to look at cartoon style scenery while feeling powerful. Because WoW has been around for two decades, many of those people are old at least in gamer years and also in actual human years.

Also, Ion hasn’t been hardcore in 15 years. He’s just a guy trying to create a quality product with mass appeal.

I don’t know about that, I’m in 100% of the PuGs I join.