More XP in Follower Instances Would Be Nice

the forums will always be against good ideas because they are contrarians. most who actually play the game will agree with your take

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i dont disagree. but blizzard clearly does.

blizzard is already adding solo end boss of raids

its only a matter of time.

Why do you need to move 15 toons?

This isn’t really a good idea though? Like all it does is disinsentivize socialization or learning how classes operate because a handful of AI will carry you to victory.

I don’t understand how you read my mind or how when you did you got it that wrong.

I play with other humans a lot. I list things in the AH and they give me 50-100k gold per day. I feel pretty I’m optimized at this.

big deal … lmao

game is already as far from social as can be. you’re not forced to socialize to group and you’re not forced to group to progress (especially in WW with story mode raid)

get with the times

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It doesn’t change the crux of my post that you don’t need to level/gear faster from follower dungeons given that you are pretty much fully removed from any sort of competertive meta.

Why should socialization be made further redundant? Like, as I recall this is one of the complaints people had about WoD; that nobody really had to ever step out of the Garrison and actually engage with other people so zones came across as being way more empty.

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No need to worry about that. I honestly think the runs with bots are much better at teaching both the classes and dungeons than most normal leveling dungeons are. The bots do low damage which allows you to get your full rotation out for DOT specs and to see mechanics which are otherwise ignored in normal dungeons because the bosses die before you get to them

The bots are extremely bad (like 10k boss DPS at level 70 bad)

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I could see it being useful for that to a certain extent; you’re getting a slightly more dynamic environment to practice your rotation in.

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I was surprised by it but I think it’s a good thing. The player really carries the bots. It might also instill confidence in them to try higher dungeons when they outDPS the bots by 2000%.

As long as follower dungeons aren’t miles ahead of every other source of xp then it seems like a complete non issue.

Currently, we have people levelling without having to play well at all through power levelling, store levelling, pet battles, questing, normal dungeons (it’s not necessary to put out big numbers in pugs).

I don’t know why it would be an issue to have people hitting 70 or 80 without playing with others. I’m immediately going to be going on to Heroics then mythic and mythic+ when available, so it’s not like they will get ahead of me.

Lower then queued dungeons and maybe a smidgen lower than questing and fine. I just hope it doesn’t become meta to run them as a Tank and pull half the instance then leave and reset our something.

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To be clear, I don’t have a problem with people leveling this way; sometimes you just want to do the dungeon and not wait for a group to form or take your time to learn it or maybe in the case of OP you just have social anxiety.

My opposition to it is the idea that it should be more rewarding then it currently is.

Be nice to get real xp especially on DPS toons with a que time. The way I see if people quit queuing and just did follower dungeons it’s pretty obvious it wasn’t no good anyway.

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As far as I can tell, if you can carry the AI through Gulping Goliath, you are ready for (at least a little light) raiding. :frog::frog::frog:

It will definitely refine your healing skills when you have to regularly cope with an extra pack or two of trash being pulled and bot dps being slooooow.

The AI tank is pretty (very?) good at surviving and will also heal you in a pinch. Gosh, wish that happened more in pugs.

A fundamental problem with their rewarding-ness is that it is so incredibly variable. At one player level you’ll get a couple of bars. At another player level you’ll get 2/3 of a level if you pull all the trash (good healing practice). The trash XP is really sensitive to player level. I feel it might actually be a programming mistake.

The thing is though: the rate at which you get XP from running solo dungeons is functionally irrelevent. You aren’t going to be progressing to higher content (IE M+ or normal raids), you don’t need to worry about the meta or gear, No one is going to boot you from the guild because you haven’t kept up with the rest of the actives…

Like, why do you need to level faster when most people are going to hit max level in about 3 or 4 days?

I mean this in a nice way, but you’re just not on the same wavelength. You’re not even on the same type of modulation. You’re seeing everyone else’s WoW experience in terms of your own, and being completely dismissive of it.

I’m questioning why you need xp at a faster rate when you’re in the least competitive, low stakes and low pressure format possible.

Make it the same exp as normals but allow the bonus for normlas come from the quing aspect of it. Simple fix really.

Those who avoid group content can do so and those who want the group content get an advantage in terms of faster leveling.

And I’ve raided mythic with some of those people.

People who actually want to participate in group content will find a way to do so.

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