More XP in Follower Instances Would Be Nice

Returning player.

I love follower dungeons as a great place to get back up to speed (especially healing) but it would be nice if there was some consistent XP available from them. At what would be “orange” level at least the trash gives useful XP, but otherwise, pretty much nothing.

It’s a lot of “work” to run these and obviously it’s convenient to have zero queue time and zero drama, but I feel there should be more reward than gear and “OK now you can get back to doing the same quests you’ve done before, or wait in a queue for pug drama, or wait 45 minutes in a random Horde BG queue.”


They’re largely not meant to replace group content for people. They’re meant to be a place you can get used to things in before jumping into real groups. The low rewards are intentional and unlikely to change. They’re also limited to x number of runs per day IIRC. Good for trying a spec, good for knocking out quests, good if you want to try and get a few pieces of non-greens before grouping with others, but not a full replacement.


Of course they’re a full replacement for people who are sick of pugs or just too slow for them or have social anxiety or no time for queues or any number of other situations. They’re not just a replacement but an “enablement.”

It would be crazy to think of them as involving less skill or participation than grinding a couple hundred quests.


blizzard disagrees. they have explicity stated they arent intended to replace pug content.
as nice as that would be for people who want it. it would ruin pug content. honestly if you social anxiety issues a mmo is probably not the best genre to get into.


Yes. I would like this very much. I love the idea of using dungeons as a leveling alternative, but I also like to play alone.


Players don’t get to decide what the goals a system or a piece of content is trying to achieve are. Blizzard does.

You’re free to try and use it for something it’s not intended to be used for, but expect it to be sub-optimal to do so.


Just how much xp are we talking here?

As a factual matter they do replace pug content for people who, for reasons I already mentioned, do not play pug content.

Bear in mind that there are many people who began playing WoW in their 40s and 50s back 20 years ago. People who gamed then still game now.

I feel like people who say “the whole point of an MMORPG is to team up with other people” are missing out on the basic fact that not everyone has the same social preferences, but everyone’s gaming money spends the same.

As to how much XP, Idk, just some predictable amount like 1/3 level for a green instance, 1/3-1/2 level for a yellow instance, more like 1/2-3/5 for an orange instance. In the 30-60 minutes it takes to run an instance that’s comparable to or maybe a little less than solo questing.



Faster and more exp means do normals.

Do you have some reasoning as to why “no” is good for the game or for the player(s), particularly the player making the decision?

Let’s frame this in terms of “The things you do that don’t affect me in any way, don’t hurt anyone, and that make you happy, you should be able to do.”


I agree they shouldn’t replace PUGS but what about those of us who are just tired of PUGS, tired of chasing tanks who want to run through dungeons, tired of being kicked for not understanding that WoW is a “calling” not a game?

We are not going to be doing PUGS so it’s not a replacement of anything. It’s a feature of the game that allows us access to all the content.


They need to make sure its equal experience to questing or a little higher.
If its not paying out the same level of XP as I would get questing, then there is literally zero reason to use it and theyve pretty much wasted their time with the feature entirely.

I can learn my class outside of dungeon instances…and did just that.
Even learning to heal with your class doesnt require dungeons. I know because I didnt learn in dungeons, I learned by hanging out around world bosses and healing players there. No dungeon required.
No one is learning how to tank in those goofy AI dungeons where the AI players cant be trusted to behave like real players would anyway. lol.
Learning your DPS class doesnt require AI dungeons either. Just playing the game helps that or finding a dummy to blast at.

AI dungeons literally serve one purpose at the end of the day…for those who hate actual group content to be able to run AI dungeons for some fun AND to level up.
And if the XP sucks, they’ll likely not waste their time with it.

I hope Ion didnt waste all that time working on this just to find out hes going to make it easily avoidable


you just have to use the ignore on that sort…theyre contrarians who disagree with logic and reason just to hear themselves speak.
Not worth your time investment, thought or energy.


Well if there’s that many of you, form a community or guild and then play together. That way you get to play with like-minded players and aren’t hit with an xp penalty from playing with AI.


They’re already slower because the bots are pretty bad (numbers-wise, they do like 10k dps on bosses at level 70), so reducing the base mob xp seems like overkill.


The rewards is:

Players get what they ask for

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yeah, Ive noticed if Im on a lower dps class the run takes WAY longer than If Im running, say…Beastmaster…then its over real quick…almost like Im doing MOST of the damage.
Weird, but maybe they wanted it like that?


There are so many assumptions in this response.

  • First, you are assuming no one actually wants to run instances, that people do things in WoW solely for the purpose of optimizing gear and XP gain. In my opinion, this is an incredibly incorrect and narrow view.
  • “Learning to heal with your class doesn’t require dungeons” – I find this completely unbelievable.
  • “… where the AI players cant [sic] be trusted to behave like real players” – I have run a few hundred instances, maybe a thousand, and they seem to behave exactly like most pug players to me
  • “Learning your DPS [doesn’t require dungeons]” – when you have target dummies that make you dance and have a corpse run

Not everyone can do group content. Some people have young children, older people with congnative problems and other issues that make it really difficult to get the time on a scheduled basis to put into things like this.

Follower dungeons are prefect for this sort of thing because the tank will stop and wait while you handle those types of issues.


And that’s why Delves are coming, are they not?

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