MM Hunters get to KEEP their pets!

And ive done the same thing killing those 80 elite mobs at level 76 but with Pet.

And i dont like to play like a Mage. Petless MM is like a Mage. I like to play like a Hunter… yes with PET… MM with a Pet whose weapon is his Range Weapon.

Right. Now you’re just being silly trying to “Nuh uh, this is better” and doubling down for no reason instead of realizing that you’re handicapping your own ability by relying on a pet.

Go ahead and let your pet help you solo Zekvir ??. I’ll wait.

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As someone who has fought Zekvir, my pet couldn’t survive the hits. Due to scaling, it was actually less painful for him to hit my hunter instead. lol

To be honest, I’m really not sure why they are doubling down on this. I don’t play MM, but I know enough to realize that no pet is the way to go for raw damage. MM can also stay alive just fine if its toolkit is used properly.

Being unkillable is not handicapping. Do your suicidal thing… Getting hit from every Rare or Boss encounter instead of having full health after every encounter. I dont like downtime to reheal. We are not healers. Sorry, i chose the speed cloak enchant which is more useful to me.

Zekvir ?? Is not like a regular Delve where i mass pull mobs. I havent done it. I would do it when i am at the highest ilevel before the Season ends. I am not fond of getting too much wipe doing it with lower gear. I know Pet is useless in there. I am not dumb.

imagine, though. it would be so funny if there were some kind of degen way of making having the pet better

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They literally made survival melee and they split Feral into two specs.

They’ve completely redesigned specs at least twice.


this is still a complete overhaul, no pet is standard now instead of not


If they went extra, there wouldn’t be a need to compromise. :slightly_smiling_face:

There was certainly a case of sore “winners” on your side back when they thought this was a done deal blizzard wouldn’t back down on.


Maybe it’s time Blizzard start releasing surveys to see how players feel about such class changes. Obviously they misread the situation.

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I was looking forward to trying out a ranger spec, but this is fine I’ll just keep playing BM.

Hopefully Blizz will consider adding a ranger/archer spec to Warriors and/or Rogues and make a full fledged ranged weapon spec.

CN you stop spreading this false information?

Hunter is rivaling warlock in defensives right now

That’s because you do world content which is the easiest content in the game.

Yea out of everyone here, I wouldn’t try and point fingers.

You act like YOU did something when in reality most of your posts were noise. Lest we forget this daily nonsense when others were actually expressing concern.


Nice work, people.

File this one alongside the wars we’ve fought against terrible changes, and won.



Thank goodness. Now I don’t have to bring up the thread I created anymore.

… and some people who are still for anti-MM pets are still squirming. Sweet crackers.


I would not have minded at all. What kind of Marksmanship hunter uses a pet? I only use mine for lust, and that means calling him and losing dps.

And I guarantee they weren’t calling for their removal before Blizz made it an issue. Just like with flying. People love to be contrarians.


Hunters of all specs have used their pet to hold aggro since the beginning of time.


Maybe in easy world content, but in keys tank pets aren’t welcome.
I don’t remember when was the last time I needed a pet tank.

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