It has nothing to do with happiness. It’s a discussion about the class as a whole and the identity of the specs and how they should work within the class and you guys made it into some weird emotional argument.
Yeah, you think that one side of the argument being wildly impassioned and the other one being like “I don’t care if I’m firing bananas out of a tuba as long as it can get me through a +17 mythic key” didn’t have something to do with the outcome?
Yeah, when you outgear it, Brann could keep you alive. I am doing Petless on lower Delves.
When it gets tougher at higher Delves with lower gear, you could be killed first before Brann could heal you especially if you accidentally pull 2 or more high damage dealing elites and Rare. But with Pet, you have higher chance not to be killed. Yeah. Lower DPS but you can deal with such complicated mobs unscratched.
I am more inclined to have an Unkillable feature than to have high DPS as in time, i know my DPS would improve. I appreciate MMs high DPS on dungeons as petless. I just dont want to die on PvE World. Been unkillable on PvE World as a Hunter since i started playing them in TBC. Dont change it.
You thought i didnt try petless? I tried it and i dont like it. Yes, it’s faster DPS but you always get hit and injured causing you downtime to heal back. I prefer slower DPS with Pet with me on full health every encounter with no downtime needing to heal back. In time, my gear jmproved like at this stage of the Expansion. Yes, i can kill multiple elites now without a Pet but if the going gets tough like on Delves 11, i prefer to be safe with a Pet. You dont know when Zekvir pops out. If you think i would just feign death, Nope, i would confront him and try to kill him but he always escape leaving me a Delves map.
LOL SV hunters screamed a lot louder and they ignored us (and are still ignoring us). Congrats I guess? But FFS this feels like a slap in the face for someone who mained old SV for 10 years.
590~ ilvl is not outgearing T8 delves. And Brann can keep you alive through them. Again, you fall back onto claiming it’s only possible if you outgear it, which isn’t true. Just step on potions.
If you overpull, somehow, throw down a freezing trap. Throw down a binding shot. If things are completely awful, turtle and hope Brann throws down more potions or just feign death to reset.
MM isn’t melee so it is INCREDIBLY HARD to overpull as a 45 yard ranged spec that has plenty of tools. If you somehow manage to overpull as petless MM, you aren’t playing the spec right.
So you are playing MM as Single Target DPSer petless. I am doing MM as AoE DPSer with Pet. Killing them one by one is boring to me unless there is a lethal Boss in a group. You may be surprised that i am almost unkillable that rarely die. And you want me to be Petless doing my same AoE strat? ROFL.
I could do Petless if Brann could handle the Tanking. But I would still need a Pet on tough Rare Bosses.
I have never played a hunter, nor will I, but the idea to remove pets from years of owning them was just so very, very wrong to begin with. To be a really successful and fun game, NEVER remove. Only add.
You can AoE as petless, things that will kill you by overpulling petless will kill you if you overpulled them with a pet. If anything, you’d spend more time waiting on Misdirect CD than I would be waiting on healing.
I’m not saying you can’t do things with a pet, I’m just saying you’re wrong when you claim a pet is required to do anything, even if you’re doing deathless 11 or Zekvir ??.
lol I’m honestly shocked by the number of people who are triggered by other people being able to keep their toys.
Nothing to do with them at all. They’re just really disappointed that they didn’t get to see something ruined for other people and I’m glad that kind of person isn’t getting what they want.
didn’t ask don’t care
We start the game ungeared. We would start with very low DPS. But that wont stop me from killing tough mob/s suited for higher geared players. That’s where the pet comes in for me.
Who talks about facerolling lowbie mobs? When the going gets tough, having a pet is way safer. If before, i struggled with this elite, i just use pet to deal with it. Then my gear improves later. Then at that time, i would not pull just for single elite, i would pull more … yup with the Pet. In the future, i would pull everything… yup with the Pet. Where is the instance i wont need my Pet? None. The more i get stronger, i keep on pulling more … yeah with the pet. Yeah, i can do petless on single elite or with 3 to 5 elites. But when i pull everything, i would dispose everything on my toolkit… my traps, my mass stuns, my slows and my Pet.
Idk man… It seems more like a case of “sore winners” to me
People are still battling it out for some reason.
but I have so many fingers to choose from. Maybe I’ll just play it safe and go down the middle of the road.
You keep bringing up facerolling things when outgearing stuff, you’re the only one talking about it and I never once based anything of what I said based on outgearing the content.
But I’m just going to leave you with this, the entire reason I responded to you that you seem to have missed: Don’t tell others they don’t know how to play when your entire argument relies on “I do this with training wheels and it’s the only way to do it.”
speaking… Whining… Somehow they both seem to make the same result with blizzard
Why wouldn’t they just add a fourth spec to the hunter/eagle combo?
I don’t hunt and mostly dislike major changes to classes, so I’m glad this won’t happen. However, change is inevitable over time. Being said, it should have a fourth spec to keep the designers plan (just might have been better) and allow people to play as they like. IMHO.
Creating a fourth spec seems a bit extra when just having one optional talent is a good enough compromise.
You are the one spreading false info that MM can kill everything as Petless. There are mobs and situations that Petless cant handle. And the answer for it is to have a Pet. And you want to gimp MM by not having their Pet as they are fine without it?
You talk about a Boss that can be handled with Petless. And i am talking about two Bosses being handled but with Pet.
I’m glad MM hunters can keep their pets. Could Blizzard be convinced to let Prot Warriors keep their rage next?
It’s not false though because MM can kill things petless. Heck, I’ve killed level 80 elite mobs at level 78 petless while waiting on dungeon queues, even around the Elite Bees area.
You’ve made me out as an anti-pet person, I’m just against misinformation or people saying that because they can’t do something, no one can unless they somehow overgear it. I won’t use a pet on my MM hunter because I don’t need to or I don’t want to. People got a pet option? Sure, whatever, that isn’t something I’m arguing about. I’m just against people that claim that MM needs it to be able to do things any other class can because that’s insulting and demeaning and more or less perpetuates a stereotype that hunter players don’t know how to step out of fire.