Again what are you talking about? Which part of “Dont choose the pet talent and nothing changes for you” are you struggling with?
Removing pets and not taking the pet talent is EXACTLY THE SAME for you. Same build, talents, playstyle, literally everything is 100% identical to if they removed pet.
Yes you have a pet now you rely on.
They made changes including removing pet.
You were happy with this
They then gave pet back as an option but changed nothing else
Now youre unhappy despite nothing changing for you
I have no doubt that your posts were a key catalyst in helping nudge BlizZard over the finishing line to avoid a tragic mistake. Well done and you are a valued member of the WoW community.
They literally slightly buffed them from my reading of it.
Its still the suboptimal choice for DPS so you wont see them in dungeons or raids, which is completely fine by me, but outside that I think they are going to be slightly stronger overall.
I think you hit it right on the head and it would’ve been a solid compromise.
I’m old. I’ve been playing since the rts games when wow didn’t even exist. One of the coolest (imo) units to exist was the high elf archer, upgraded with extended sight range (could be further range for wow… imagine that, being able to fire outside the range of your enemies), higher crit damage AND the RANGER upgrade, giving stealth, further enhancing all attributes and abilities including first shot from stealth was guaranteed crit.
This was what i thought hunters were going to be based off when wow started up. It was my first class. A Night Elf hunter (because high elves weren’t…and STILL aren’t an option). What i found was a pet class that resembled nothing from the RTS archer/ranger. What a let down… now i thought we mught finally get that… but too many people forget that if you want a pet you have two other specs that can be a pet class.
Its ok. Me from my little foxhole will not impact any change against so many that need animals.
But to your point… let them customize the eagle. Even racially would be cool but giving a choice or making unlocks couldve prevented the outrage of taking what a MM hunter always shouldve been to its proper state.
Night elves - owl
Trolls - ?
Forsaken - bat
Human - eagle
Etc, etc, etc…
They weren’t making the changes because of dps. MM having janky mechanics to gain utility was one of the main points. So for now on any time MM feels like they are lacking utility compared to other classes, or lacking defenses, and yes even if they fall behind on dps just remember the community asked for this.
And yeah the incoming complaints about MM with a pet being behind in dps is absolutely going to be complained about.
It’s not a popular spec and hasn’t been since the change, which had a HUGE outcry. So why do MM hunters get what they want but SV was ignored and still being ignored? There’s a whole lot of us that want old SV