MM Hunters get to KEEP their pets!

We did it, LFG!


Hear that aqua kitty? You get to live!


Oh thank goodness!


Great, the non-issue has been fixed.

Now can they fix the focus economy?


My MM hunter doesn’t have to say good bye to her birds that’s good news!

Just need a hawk or falcon glyph to replace that eagle with


This goes to show pushbacks work. Now hopefully they have the same energy with the cheating and exploitation happening in epic bgs with the use of addons created to ruin authentic experiences, yes Blizzard you can’t hide from this one lol


I’m okay with this compromise because no-pet is still the default, and you’ll need to spend a talent point on Unbreakable Bond to get it back. My guess is that Improved Spotter’s Mark will still be the superior choice on that node for endgame throughput.


There should be a glyph to replace your eagle with one of your own tamed pets


Good. I don’t play MM, but I’m also not a fan of removing a preferred playstyle. Blizzard was trying to fix what wasn’t broken, as they have been known to do every now and then. It’s nice seeing them listen to feedback here.

I’m fully expecting comments like “GG, they gave in to the crybabies” and such. Chances are, it was never going to affect most people on a personal level and they are just looking for something to be mad about. Both options are going to be available. Pet or no pet.


They’ve changed plenty of classes.

Clearly, they had feedback that pointed toward the majority of MM players not wanting to lose their pets on a pet class and reversed their original decision.


I like to think that feedback is usually constructive. Out of the thousands of posts I’ve read there were probably a dozen they were actually articulated. But hey, that’s all in the past and they have reversed their course. So congratulations you people won.


And most arguments in favor of losing the pets were, “Go play a spec you don’t like.” The good guys won.


you betcha the good guys won :+1: ggs


They changed holy pallys


They didn’t ‘reverse course’ - MM is still going to be very different.

  • All the big utility things like Lust, GW, and Intimidation are still on the Eagle rather than the pet.
  • You need to spend a talent point to get your stabled pet back, rather than today where you need to spend one to get rid of it.
  • Using the stabled pet is still going to be a dps loss.

People who would rather gimp themselves than just play BM can do so, while those willing to try a true petless hunter will be rewarded. I’m okay with this result.


They’ve even changed Demo warlocks. And Frost mage. And fire mage. Just to name a few. Pretty much every class and spec has undergone changes through the years.


well, I hope you enjoy it and I hope everyone who gets to keep their pet enjoys it as well. at least now we’ll get some different threads in general discussion. Although I hear there’s still about 4000 things to fix with mythic plus so we’ll probably still see a bunch of those every day.


 where “non-issue” means something that impacts others but not you.


well, now that we’re no longer worried about the role players keeping their pet. Maybe they can move on to the baotting problem or server connection issues or something that’s relevant.


This is just an intellectually dishonest claim to make. If folks wanted to play with pets, they should play with a specialization where pets play any kind of role as part of it.

The entire thing was literally “People haven’t been using pets as MM for 10+ years, so we are removing it in favour of more mechanics that open up design space for more interesting and thematically appropriate mechanics.” To which the only response was largely “but I like having a tank I can summon and I don’t want to play anything other than MM, so I’m going to pretend that MM in any way whatsoever relate to being a pet-based specialization at all.”

The entire thing was a debacle of utter pointlessness. If folks want to play with pets, play a specialization that actually plays with the pets. That’s literally all folks were saying.

There are no “good” or “bad” guys in this debacle. There’s one side that were excited to have design space opened up and more new and unique mechanics to play around with 
 and then folks who repeatedly insulted, berated, and bad mouthed people.

Just like how you are implying that wanting a more mechanically sound and thematically strong specialization somehow would make someone the “bad guys” (as implicit by you calling your “side” the good guys).

No, it means non-issue for this was a non-issue.
The point still stands no matter however much folks want to twist it and pretend it to be something else: MM is not a pet-based specialization and if pets matter this much, there’s two specializations that play with their pets, whereas MM plays without any traditional pets.

There wasn’t an issue at all, but folks wanted to make it one.