Do not remove pets from MM hunter (Megathread)

Daily reminder not to remove pets from MM hunter as optional use. Now or in the future.


Looks like we won! Optional usage of pets is here to stay!


Are people still on about that? Look Survival and BM still have pets it’s not that big of a deal this change for MM is a good thing.


Removing optional pet isn’t a good think. Removing lust from the pet is a good thing.


It’s removing it from one spec big whoop. Why is lust a problem? It’s added utility.


This is the megathread, now? What about the couple dozen copy paste threads already out there? Surely this will be different, and finally be what convinces all the nonbelievers of your truth.

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Lust should be on the hunter not the pet.

Removing it from one spec is pointless and just takes from players without any benefit.


It’s happening whether you like it or not.


Counter opinion, remove pets from Marksmanship and improve gameplay like with Frost Mage water elemental.

It’s happening like in a month, lol.


I’m going to keep giving feedback against it until they reverse it, I die, or the servers go dark forever.


Sounds unhealthy

Welp people didn’t stop asking for classic servers and eventually got their wish.


Pets are basically the appendix of MM gameplay. They do very little and when they do do something, it’s usually actively detrimental.

The change is a much better direction to take MM. All they need is a glyph that changes the eagle to a stabled pet.


True. Wait long enough and you will be able to marksman plus fluffy on the classic version of whatever your favorite expansion is. I am sure you will get a real kick from the nostalgia.

Lust should be shifted to tanks exclusively. I mained a Mage for years and now main a Shaman and I’d be fine with them removing it in lieu of shifting the focus to tanks.

However, I’m also an advocate of Shaman having a tanking spec so I might be a bit biased.

I agree, however, that MM hunters don’t need a stable of pets. MM as a fantasy is the lone archer, like Legolas or Robin Hood or other heroes of that type. They don’t need a pet.


The spec hasn’t even been released yet and people are still losing their minds. Honestly can’t wait until I get a chance to try this out. I’m looking forward to it.

Now I suspect this post will be hidden in a matter of minutes maybe hours because a whole bunch of people disagree that other people are allowed to have an opinion about the spec.


Counter Argument: BM and Survival are there also, so technically, you’ll still have the option of having a pet.


This is a strange take considering Tanks are the sole role that currently has zero access to Lust.

Honestly, I am surprised it’s lasted this long.

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I mean some of us are genuinely curious and interested to try it out. Let’s face it if it sucks we’ll let them know but for now I’d really like to try one spec on Hunter that doesn’t bore me.

Or maybe folks report troll/spam threads because they are precisely that.

OP even openly admits that they plan to keep the thread alive until they get their wish through. Sounds like a perfect setup for someone definitely arguing in good faith and simply just stating an opinion.

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