MM bugged for a week. No hotfix!?!?!?

MM has been bugged for a week, its been bug reported why hasn’t this been hot fixed?? Its not even in tomorrows notes…

I’ll say it again. If the spec was hitting for 1 million damage and instant killing people and trivializing content it would have been patched in no more then 5 minutes immediately. The last pass broke Aimshot for a lot of hunters but its ok to sit this long since its not broken on the other side of spectrum?

Please blizzard fix this!


Maybe they need more than a week to fix this?

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Wait… what is going on? QRD?

Again. If it was broken on the other side of spectrum and hunters were blazing through the arena 1 shotting people and soloing mythic bosses you wouldn’t believe how fast the servers would be rolled back and it fixed. Maybe 10 minutes at BEST that would be allowed to happen/exist.

It being the bad kind of broken it isn’t addressed with the same urgency despite it crippling the spec and making it unplayable.

Blizzard is fully capable of instantly fixing the problem I assure you.

Unless you actually think if a class got bugged and they would allow you a full week to farm R1 in every arena bracket and solo clear every current mythic raid and max level key and would get around to fixing it in 7+ days.

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Is this a case of intentional “accident” and then just waiting out the complaints until you eat it?

Well, ret trains are still going in pvp because they just 1 shot everything. They changed how their dot clear works tho, we got that.

There could be a difficult-to-track or entangled interaction that makes it take some time. For example back in late Cata they applied a fix to a Subtlety Rogue mechanic that inadvertently bugged Ret Paladin making it extremely overpowered (something to do with seal procs).

For me the 50% bonus damage when the target is above 70% health does not seem to be applied. I’ll post a new bug report.


New bug report here. The damage above 70% target health is actually 1.05 instead of 1.50. Dumb typo that should be easy to fix.


Seems to be a bit more then that though. You can see from my screenshots I’m hitting aimshots as low as 8k. and consistently hitting 14-25k aim shots frequently.

Example in my one With trueshot + on use badge and hitting a target at 100% HP (also in full 424 gear) with zero defensives popped I hit a whopping 28k. The tooltip alone with all cds popped and bloodfury was 79k tooltip damage which wasnt accounting for careful aim, just the base damage.

Thats quite off


Weird how you’re not advocating for the bug that removes hunter’s healthbars entirely in PvP once they feign death, causing them to be essentially invisible.

while simultaneously insisting “if it was in your benefit they’d nerf it”


Thats been reported multiple times. Has nothing to do with this thread or a spec being broken and if it really annoys you so much download threatplates or another nameplate addon which fixes that isssue.

Your welcome

Downloading an addon wont magically fix a spec with that blizzard messed with the numbers on and broke.


Your bug has also been reported multiple times.

It still removes them from threatplates.

Sorry your beginner class is doing 5% less dps while you’re self-ignoring the bugs that massively benefit you.

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Oh, spring child. Come sit here and let me tell you the tale of Windwalker bugs….


Aim shot hits hard. Get over yourself

Is it really in your benefit though when everybody uses plater?

As usual, if an addon can fix something, they’ll let the addon do it for them. Why work when others will do it for you for free? It’s just common sense.

Working as intended. coughs Bugged for some so that a portion of you can quit and re-roll as rets.


Holy crap! We have a Mistmoore zone? I got to call my old EQ guild back into action!

P99 Mistmoore is train city… Or twinked monk city.

So this is why my dps is trash, yeah? :clown_face: