MM bugged for a week. No hotfix!?!?!?

Ok so fix them both.

What is this smooth-brain argument that “your class has a beneficial bug therefor it’s fine that it has a detrimental bug”? Maybe it just shouldn’t have any bugs and classes should just work properly?

I agree with this BUT after the addon authors fix the bug, the template for them to fix it in the core is there so all they need to do is apply it themselves. It would be a lot more optimal and professional for them to apply it to the core instead of stacking addon after addon to fix base issues.

Example: The glitchy raid frames when players leave and join. There’s an addon that exists only to correct that problem.

your hunter isn’t max level or close to a decent ilvl to tell any information from your data. vortimers data is more concrete

? My hunters 70 and full 424 geared

Do you think I’m somehow posting shuffle screenshots from a level 30 hunter ?

Okay, i relooked and you are 70, i will say i was wrong on that front

but in PvP gear… not the best gear to show case accurate data in any way shape or form to declare a bug when showing data from actual fights. and PvP is also not a great place to showcase an issue as the fight changes and you are never fighting the same target in the same state. or in the position to do the same thing each and every time for its different each fight.

Vort even if he was in PvP gear was hitting a dummy where everything is the same no matter who tests and not dependent on the fight.

Yes. I don’t PVE so I cannot comment on the PVE end portion of problem.

I can comment on if I hit another player and its supposed to be a very large amount of damage and I’m suddenly hitting them for less then my mages scorch with an Aimed Shot with all cds popped

There is a serious problem. Player interactions are also important because it shows its occurring in a wide range of situations and not limited to one specific interaction with one class with specific cds up.

Its in every situation with every class. Hitting as low as 8k is showing that its not just the careful aim bonus not being applied or worked correctly, something else is seriously wrong or inputted into the ability.

If my tooltip says 79k damage for aimshot in PVP with cds up

and I hit you for 8.8 or 14k

Thats just not careful aim. There is something seriously broken beyond the talent. So Vort is correct that careful aim is also messed up but I suspect the ability itself had some accidental damage done to it as well.

You are aware that is how feign death is INTENDED to work right? It would be a bug if you could see their healthbar.

You are in PvP

Defensives, Vers, the target base armor, your buffs at the time, where you are in a rotation for the situation

To many variables to say that you should be doing x while y is happening while in a PvP fight. You also won’t get the same result even if you hit the same target because of allies debuffs and what not… its to hard to say from fight to fight how an ability should work.

Now i don’t PvP that often since MoP but its harder to calculate what an ability’s should be doing in pvp fights than when hitting something unchanging for accurate data

It’s an acknowledged bug that after feign death ends your health bar remains invisible for the entirety of combat.

That is not in any way the intention of the ability.

What is this smooth-brain argument that “your class has a beneficial bug therefor it’s fine that it has a detrimental bug”? Maybe it just shouldn’t have any bugs and classes should just work properly?

100% agree. OP, in the original post, made it specific to note that if it was “a bug that favored them instead of detrimented them it would be nerfed ASAP” - while simultaneously blind-eyeing the bug that favors them extremely.

Thanks for the free bump classic troll. Not needed though if Jelly tweeting about it can’t get it fixed then nothing here will work. Comparing a visual bug (which you can use those 2 eyeballs on your face to see someone) or flick the screen away which is annoying (I main a mage btw feel free to look me up I don’t hide behind classic alts :wink: and post on my main) Isn’t even in the same realm of comparison as a core rotation and primary ability suddenly doing the damage of someone 15 levels lower despite being max level and gear. All your doing is attempting to derail a thread and bicker anyway. Good day to you!^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author