No hotfix for us guys. We need to make more noise

7 days to fix a broken spec spec is not cool. No hotfix. Make your way over to GD and make some noise.

Check your aimshot numbers, if your bugged post screenshots. This isnt gonna get fixed spamming bug reports. I’ve been doing it for a week now

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No hope brother

Well there is hope now got jelly to tweet it @devs. If the can’t get them to fix it prior to AWC this weekend we really got no hope then lol^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author

Tested out today and it seems to be fixed. I was bugged yesterday, maybe the reset fixed it.

Its not. changing talents/specs rebugged me. This was just now on my AFK warr friend (not in d stance)

Trueshot + on use badge starting at 100% HP. All 6 aimshots hit between 18k and 28k damage

So don’t change talents till fixed, got it lol.

Yeah that should of been instantly fixed. Why is it hunters are getting goofy bugs that are severe and game breaking lol.