Mirrored soul- Forge of Souls

I attempted to help him find a wow version he enjoys, but he condemns retail, considers cata+ to be retail all in one, refuses to grow as a player instead opting to complain all the time. When corrected with quotable and known information about these games, he’ll call you a liar and disengages into a different tangent to attack you, and he recently begged for my attention, so now I’m giving it to him.

He will downplay everything because being honest makes him look really really bad.

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I normally out heal the DMG as a dudu, hpriest and hpala :)) also since I’m the healer i also tell my squad to not dps when the beam is on people. It’s simple communication. Also why would you res and try to run back while the boss is still alive(probably at 5% hp left) during combat? Just wait till he dies lol…

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Ice Block op.

None of the groups that I’ve ever been with in FoS stop when mirrored soul gets casted, everytime someone dies (unless it’s a Mage, Rogue, Paladin or Hunter (not sure))… Well if those people know what to do.

I don’t see it as bad sportsmanship, just res the person who died

People just leave without ressing sometimes, which is pretty crappy.


Of course you don’t.

It says you are someone with bad sportsmanship

You are not the person to be saying that, Mr. I demand a system that forces me into the highest level of content off of a queue without needing to pass any checks to be in the group for this level of content, thus in the end wasting everyone’s time because they’re outright just down a member.

If your sentry totem is in the tunnel, then you’re not even dropping a good totem for the team. Your gear is meaningless. You just don’t know what buttons to push at a baseline.

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If I were the DPS, I would stop DPSing so as to minimize the chance of a wipe. Who’s showing what?

I’ll drop whatever totem I want, when I feel like it. My totem usage, are not somebody else’s prerogative.

As a “”“professional dps”“”, I know what my kit is. I know what I can survive and what I can stress. Not everyone does. As in your own words, paraphrased, there are more like you. Trust me, I know.

They are just as bad for trusting a healer they’ve never met before. That said, you can still do more yourself and you only have the power to control what you do. You can make your own life easier by being better yourself.

And if these dps want to do the forever sleep to their toon in that moment, let them. It’s a teaching moment.


You play a buff class and refuse to buff lmao

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Proper etiquette calls for the dps to stop dpsing.

They were wrong for not following proper protocol to begin with.

You are far from the person to talk about this.

Ironforge(dot)pro → Wafectus → All the evidence I need is right there on screen.

Case in point… You just rebumped this thread.

Every post does that. Don’t derail. We’re talking about proper etiquette. The only evidence of play we have is your arena play, and based off of that, I doubt you changed up and actually have a meta build for pve, instead, more than likely opting for something similar to your pvp build.

And if that’s what you present for pvp, then I highly doubt your pve is any different. So again, you are not the person to be talking about etiquette.

Right. And all you did was list a picture; and are using that as an argument.

Right. All assumptions; nothing more, nothing less.

An updated website that updated 1 day ago. It’s current for what we’re talking about, and it is all you. It is your character.

Based off of verifiable evidence. I can also go find the quotes where you condemn metas and social conformity for the groups you’re in, which is why I’ve called you a selfish player many times.

You have presented nothing at all that challenges what I’m saying, whereas my points are based on verifiable proof. If you’re bad at gearing for pvp, something you actually do, then I doubt you changed anything at all for pve. It’s the only logical conclusion from what we can view. You can easily prove me wrong on this by actually showing your character in full to counter me, otherwise, what we can see is what we can see, and what we see is your trash build.

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What amounts to your verifiable proof, is nothing more than me wearing parry gem. If I proved I was the top DPS in any given moment, it’s irrelevant in your mentally flawed logic.

You have a non meta build of 37-34-0.

You have your second, third, and fourth bis glyphs for enhancement in the major category, missing your best glyph because you lack Feral Spirit.

You have two wrathful rings, one AP, one SP, double dipping for some reason.

You have an AP trinket.

You have various mix matched gear.

You don’t have a shield for pvp, opting for a caster staff that is agi enchanted and gemmed for parry.

You are a peak 1646 rating player.

All of this is known, verifiable, and current.

Top dps is a low player mindset. It’s why we use parses. I raided with a consistent 99 parsing Spriest. He was almost always the lowest on the meters. Comparing him, a mana battery, to actual dps is innately unfair, which is why we compare players against their own class and spec.

You can be bad and still top the dps meters against other bads who are somehow worse than you. It means nothing. A green parsing topping grey parsers is meaningless.

The point of all of what I’m saying is you go into group content with this build, and it is useless. You are less valuable as a whole for not even being geared correctly. If you can’t do such a simple task, then I doubt you could do anything that takes more care and effort, like actually playing the game. You do this in team settings, and then want to talk about etiquette, which is asinine to the fullest extent. You are a wow parasite, feeding off of everyone else. You have no room to talk about etiquette.


There’s that “we” again.

Yes, just like how there are bads like you, there are players like myself.

The highest level of players, those even above me (shocker I know), utilize these tools. They are the best tools out there for analyze players.

You focusing on dps and dps alone shows a basic lack of fundamental understand on how this game works, and then YOU want to turn around and talk about etiquette. In order to do proper wow etiquette, you need to actually be somewhat decent at this game, which you have yet to show in any capacity.

Nice dodging of the point though. You lack a rebuttal. I’ll take that as you concession, again.

You haven’t argued anything in good faith since you first mentioned the sentry totem days ago.

You have multiple posts in multiple threads blatantly ignoring what I said, going on your own tangents, and then saying I lack comprehension while you openly admit to skipping and skimming my posts.

Stop lying.

While my post was about you, I was talking to someone else. I was content with letting you greatly inhale through your mouth by yourself. You begged for my attention and now regret it. Womp Womp.

Stop being the absolute worst possible person on the forums and maybe I’ll back down.

If you have nothing relevant to add to this, then stop derailing the thread. I will be forced to report you if you continue.