Mirrored soul- Forge of Souls

Which is why if you die you should release and run back.

No, I don’t, because I try to res the person who died with cables if I’m on my Mage or actually res them/Bres them if I’m on my Druid. They should be release and running back anyway depending on the group comp.

The chances of wiping are near zero, a lot of classes can wipe the debuff.

Or, it calls for that person to use their defensives.


If they just leave when the boss dies, you don’t have time to get back in the instance.

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You listening mage?

How come that rogue, who doesn’t like me, knows more about how the dungeon works than you do?

This is the fourth…

Wasn’t me this time lmao.

Also you can say the name of a poster who posted in the thread you’re in. You can say Woopee in this context.

You do if you release and run back as soon as you die, I’ve died multiple times to Mirrored Soul on my Druid (through barkskin), released and ran back into the instance easily (as in even without the racial I’d of made it).

Everyone has differing levels of knowledge on things, I’m sure even you know more about something than I do such as how Shamans work. I’m not sure how him not likeing you is relevent to me but ok.

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Ironforge(dot)pro → Wafectus → all his glory.

You probably know more about shaman than he does tbh.

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A real shaman welcomes the chance at expanding their knowledge. I’m not threatened by another shaman knowing more than me.

Those are two contradicting sentences. If you actually cared about being better, you wouldn’t be the insert long list of things you have wrong but adamantly defend.

You don’t have to be a Shaman to want to know your class better.

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Even when they’re geared they can still explode. This was my run earlier today: https://i.imgur.com/UprToJy.png shaman died in 2.04s from 100%, and they were ilvl 275.
Group comp: https://i.imgur.com/dMwfDj1.png

It certainly can (and does occasionally) happen. Even on my two 6k+ geared resto shaman I will get exploded every great once in awhile. In those occasions, thank God for ankh.

Edit: to be clear if dps is indiscriminately pumping that hard and kill me I wait to ankh till after boss is dead.

HAHAHAHA… The feeling is really mutual, that trolls Shadowmourme plates class, especially the warriors, are the first to do a oneshot friendly kill and it doesn’t give you enough time to activate a defensive one.

IDK how toxic the behavior of the WoW community is now, but believe me, more than annoying, it’s funny to ignore the mechanics even though it’s not a raid boss.

This made me giggle.

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I’d love to know your thoughts on what a “cheesy healer class” is?

How bout one with a bubble that’s tantamount to grabbing a star in Mario Bros?

Not sure what a tantamount to grabbing a star in Mario Bros means… a crystal-clear response would be appreciated rather than some nonsense.

Damage invulnerability, knockback immune, tldr you’re god for a handful of seconds.

Relevant but not diectly.

Ironforge(dot)pro → Wafectus → You will never get a clear answer from someone who makes their character into this mess.


Says the guy that argues in bad faith.

Disc Priest here. I’ve learned to be careful about other players with FoS after an encounter with 3 DPS at 5.9k+ gs, one of which was a Shadowmourne holder. Second mirror soul was cast on me and they immediately started pumping DPS, I had to blow every cooldown on myself to survive. I told them off and they responded with “well you didn’t die did you?” and I was so upset. Now I just prepare for people to troll on the boss and am pleasantly surprised when they don’t.


Crazy how only one person, a known mouth breather like yourself, was the only one to come to your defense, and when I corrected them, they scurried away because their little “rant” was based on nothing but headcanon and they outright forgot what reality even was.

It’s almost like you’re the common denominator.

“bad faith” lmao, as he says this just posts above mine. :point_down:

Minor similarities, different purposes, bad analogy. But sure, you’re the one who is just “correct lmao”