Mirrored soul- Forge of Souls

That’s the last time I use reincarnation in Forge of Souls; mirrored soul.

Next time you get me killed with it, you will finish it in that sequence or we all wipe.


Were you the healer?

That’s right.

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Here. I will let the director of WoW speak on my behalf.

I’m not watching that.


It’s just a given that someone will die during that fight.

Swallow your own snake oil and carry the group. That’s what you tell people to do with bots in BGs.


The dungeon was completed just fine.

The group left before I could get back in the dungeon and I got screwed out of my daily.

Next time, we all wipe together; to ensure that I don’t miss out on looting the boss again.

You could do one better.

When others die, just don’t rez them.
Be that guy everyone hates.

And then, a few months later, you can come back here and complain how toxic classic players are.


Now who’s not making any sense?

You’re the same kind of petulant child that rogue is.

Have you tried not dying?


The mechanic calls for the dps to stop dpsing, not for the healer to out-heal it all.

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As a healer main, this is the only interesting part of the entire dungeon.

Literally lesser healing wave will be just fine if your reaction time is with 2 seconds lmao.
Good healer react within half a secodd at the latest.

Actually a skill issue


If the tank (particularly a Feral Druid) and 2 DPS are >5000GS and the third DPS and/or healer is <4000 GS, it is absolutely possible to annihilate a lesser-geared player during Mirrored Soul.

Devourer of Souls is such a zany boss. Couple days ago a daily Forge run I was in had both the tank and the healer get destroyed by Wailing Souls at ~17%. Rather than battle-rez either of them, I just switched from lolcat to bear and us DEEPS finished xir off.


What, a cheesy healer class? I’m sure.

Plus, you haven’t done enough FoS runs to know that you don’t know what you’re talking when the druid just corroborated my facts.

You mean this?

How is your gear bad enough to get deleted but good enough for you to be so epic for all your other threads?



Because no amount of healing is going to save you from 3 heavy dps focused on a mirrored soul.

If you actually ran the dungeon on a regular basis, you would know that.

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I’ve run it enough to know how to live through it. We run it daily in guild groups and TRY to kill the mirror. Very rarely does it happen as we know our classes, so we use defensives if it’s our turn, and our holydin is a beast.

(and we’re properly geared)

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So have I.

That doesn’t mean anyone mirrored can’t be destroyed instantly regardless of what defensive used how much healing is possible.

Also you’re all in the wrong too.

The proper etiquette of mirrored soul’s mechanic calls for the dps to stop dpsing, not to put the responsibility on the healer to cover it which risks a death and wipe.

You talk this big game about how it’s a skill issue when you don’t even follow proper RDF etiquette.

If you’re purposefully dpsing during mirrored soul knowing full well it can lead to a death, you’re the disdainful one for showing poor teamwork and sportsmanship.

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It is a wonky boss. I always save my ns for it and spam lesser heals non stop to keep buffs up and it is extremely rare ( I have to goof and fat finger something) to die on it.

However a lowered geared and/or lesser experienced healer with pumper dps can make that boss a nightmare. Luckily anymore there is almost always more than one person who can rez, since we all know people are not going to do mechanics.