Mirrored soul- Forge of Souls

I wasn’t even in here and you still can’t help but to talk about me.

How much is rent for living in your very spacious head?

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Your first post here and it isn’t even on topic.

What was it you said about spamming?

Then report me.

Doesn’t change that no rogue posted in this thread before that comment, and based off of your post history, it’s a small chance it’s a troll rogue you’re referencing or it’s me.

You’re obsessed. It’s cute. Lil uwu wafectus looking for senpai lmao

No need.

You’re doing what I’m saying you’re doing as we speak.

Only because you can’t help but to summon me. Stop summoning me.

You don’t even come with any intention of arguing/discussing, and you wonder why I’m not taking you seriously.

Resto shaman don’t even have defensives unless you count NS and tidal force. There is no dmg mitigation so your only option is to spam lesser wave, throw an NS big wave in the middle somewhere, and hope for the best. People die on this boss every time I did it, no matter what healer. As elemental, i started to just help the healer with the mirror target, and the other two dps would still pose a threat.

Notice how the naysayers here didn’t even ask if I did or not.

I did, with a BL in the mix, and it still wasn’t enough.

Also. I’ve healed through it other times; another point they conveniently miss. This particular anecdote, I just couldn’t do it.

In OG Wrath the daily was an RDF reward for the first daily, later they made it so you could do all 7 dailies in one day if you wanted to. You didnt have to loot anything with RDF, just complete the dungeon.

This is also how (alliance) paladins play in PvP.

I do, and did for you, until you want 65 IQ on me at your warmest and reeeee’d till you tuckered yourself out.

I can say my opinions. My opinion is that you’re letting me live in your head since you can’t help but to reference me in a thread I’m not even in, well, wasn’t in.

Have you tried putting the correct gems and enchants on? Agi and parry is not what a healer wants.

I could have my entire healing set gemmed with parry, I just need the right amount of healing power to get the job done.

I find it silly and entertaining that you try to reach, tying gems to skill and ability.

Obviously not if people are dying.

Being correct on your gear is a skill. You proved that.

What’s correct? Some META guideline that squeezes out the max DPS possible?

What is it you think I don’t know.

If you’re trying to squeeze out max dps as a healer in an instance, then lmao.

The point is that if you don’t care enough to even make the gear you wear be correct in any capacity to the stats you use, then you’re useless. I gear inspect off the rip specifically to see if someone cares enough to be correct even for themselves.

Obviously idk your pve gear, but based on the lack of raids and the fact that you’re proud of your relentless gear, I assume you run that.

Which is fine innately as a baseline, but you need to pick up for it’s shortcomings for pve as pvp gear is balanced with resil, taking away other stats useful for pve.

Based solely on how you gear, gem, and enchant your pvp set, I assume whatever you use for pve is similar, which, would just be awful to deal with.

Almost every issue you have with wow is an issue you can solve on your own end.

As a Resto Druid, I’d just keep everyone topped with HoTs pre-emptively and the moment the debuff dropped, Nature’s Swiftness into Healing Touch and spam single target heals.

The only time somebody died is when I was still in Balance, because FoS was such a faceroll I usually just stayed boomkin and occasionally popped out to heal.

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Because I don’t have to, as long as I’m complying with the cooperative nature of what I’m expected to do.

In your groups. But in the context that you continually step outside of, I don’t have to.

Like I said in the botting threads…

You would throw me out of a BG if vote-kicking was hypothetical, simply because I wore a parry gem, and not for any of my merits in actual gameplay.

True, you don’t have to. That said, if you’re complaining about something, look internally first. I can promise you, there is more issues you can solve with your own hands than issues you can’t.

Because if my ele/enhancement shaman is running a caster staff with a parry gem, how can I trust him to do anything right?

I can’t.

I already explained this to you. Only bads accept your bad player behavior. People who don’t want their time wasted by bad players doing dumb things won’t tolerate it.

Which then feeds back into all your issues, which revolve around the fact that you suck at this game, AND refuse to even try to get better, opting to complain about everyone and everything else.

So I’m kinda new to the forum, do Wafectus and Apathy have some kind of history I should know about?

We’ve argued in the past, but not really.

This is just a urination match he seems bent on winning. I wish him the best of luck; I too am a PvPer.