The Calendar
Submit an Event!
Quick Links
About the Project
Discord Integration
Thanks and Credits
The Calendar
Click here to submit an event!
Events submitted via this form immediately appear on the calendar!Quick Links
Direct link to the calendar:
Direct link to the website:
Twitter Account:
Contact & Development Discord:
Discord Here
Or: Mirchea#1392 (Discord) | Mirchea#1510 (b.Net)
The project over all - the calendar, the Discord script, Twitter integration, the website, it all exists to better the Moon Guard community as a whole - and especially Horde - by fostering better awareness of all the wonderful events our people put so much love, effort, sweat and tears into. This server would be a terribly boring place without all of their efforts, and we want to make sure they get the love, appreciation and attention they deserve.
In the hidden sections below (click the lil' sideways arrows), you can learn about the history and progress of this project over the years - yup, been at this for almost three years now!
The Calendar
The MG Horde and Neutral calendar was created around April 2018 by me, and was originally a project of the Unified Horde Discord server when I was an admin there, though it maintained its independence. When I departed Unified Horde as an admin, I still maintained and updated the calendar as best I could, and still do so today with some help! Keeping it updated should now be much easier since we've got a Google Form set up to automatically input entries into the calendar. Many thanks to Lindiwe from WRA-H for helping me with that!Discord Integration
The Discord integration script uses JavaScript to take the events on the calendar and translate them into a format Discord can understand, and post them to various participating Discord servers via webhooks. It was originally created by Potter from The First Regiment here on MG-A - yes, the same lovely person who made CrossRP and has forever enabled our neutral RP addictions! - and was meant for their guild, though she eventually expanded it to the Grand Alliance, and then integrated it into the Warcraft Conquest server. Catching wind of that, I asked her if it would be possible to do the same for the Horde calendar, and she graciously provided me with an early version of the script in January of 2020.
Since I don't know diddly about JavaScript myself, Luneth of Ashes of Alar recommended one of her guildmates, Tristanis - and with Potter's blessing, he took off with it, using Discord's powerful embed feature to make the posts really lovely, including a plethora of easily viewable information like time, location, organizer, server, Horde or neutral only and whether or not you'll need Elixirs of Tongues! I've included example images of his hard work below.
Twitter Integration
Twitter integration is nothing too fancy, though it was Anae from Unified Horde who originally came up with that idea some time in 2019. Due to IRL issues, Anae no longer has the time to manage it and so I've revitalized it under a different account and have been using Zapier to automatically post events from the calendar to it an hour before they happen.Impartiality
We want to make it expressly clear that all events, so long as they follow the guidelines (see below), are welcome and will be added to the calendar. This is a community resource - always has been and always will be. The only ways an event does not get posted to the calendar (or rather, gets removed since submitted events are posted instantly) is:- If it wasn't submitted or we don't know about it;
- It doesn't follow the guidelines (see below);
- Or there was some manner of error with the form or Sheets add-on we use to automate event postings.
Our impartiality also extends to Discord servers that wish to have the script post events to their channels. We do not care what the server is for. You do not have to give us an invitation to it. We only ask for the name so we can note which Webhook belongs to which server in the script in case there’s any issues or changes that need to be made. Alternatively, you could just give us your Discord tag, if you’re not comfortable providing the server name.
Calendar Guidelines
- The calendar is for the entire MG Horde (and neutral) community. Not just one subset, not just one project. EVERYONE.
- As such, only events that are open to the public will be posted to the calendar. No guild-only events, no project-only events, no NSFW events.
- RP and RP-related events only.
- Neutral events are welcome!
- Alliance-only or WRA events are not. We love you both but this is for us and our community - and you both have your own calendars already. :P
As described above, we use JavaScript to take the events from the calendar and translate them into a format Discord understands, and then use webhooks to post them to certain channels in participating Discords.
You can find out how to get events posted to your Discord on our website here, or join our Discord to view the guide there. For now, here's some examples of what the posts look like!

- Potter, from the The First Regiment, who very graciously allowed us to use her script.
- Tristanis, from Ashes of Alar, for all the work he's put into the Horde/Neutral version of the script since.
- Lindiwe, from WRA-H, for guiding me on how to get a Google Form/Sheet to auotmatically submit entries to a Google Calendar.
- Sonceri, from Ashes of Alar, for helping me with Zapier and always being incredibly encouraging and helpful with all of my questions for graphics design.
- Anae, for being the original person to try to integrate the calendar into Twitter and shouldering the burden when I wasn't able to.
- Luneth, for always being encouraging, and recommending Tristanis in the first place.
We sincerely hope the community finds this useful. If you've any questions or suggestions, feel free to hop into that Discord, post below, or DM me.