Yus! Of course MG-H is small, but I see a folks starting new events and not advertising them much, and then when they get little to no attendance, they of course get discouraged. And I don’t think it’s lack of will, so I figured maybe a guide or some tips would be a good idea.
Of course my butt is in 50+ Discords and I shamelessly blast my events all over the roughly half of them that have advertising channels, and not everyone wants to be in that many Discords.
But making people aware of resources and some methods and stuff can’t hurt.
A new event has been added!
Lady Alice and The Valabar bring us...
The Lunar Festival on
February 6th, 7:30PM ST at
Ashamane's Fall, Val'Sharah, Broken Isles. Come join them for a celebration of kal'dorei culture and Elune, or check out the deets
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Moar events!
February 4th at
8PM ST, Sylvan Grove, Val'sharah, Weedelf is throwing a massive house party with contests and tours! More details in the calendar listing.
February 19th at
7PM ST, Lunastre Estate, Suramar, Fizridge and friends bring us a night of healing, allowing people from all walks of life to share their trilas nad tribulations in the realm of romance on stage! Check out the calendar listing for info and application links.
Sadly no progress on the guide I proposed earlier - yet! Juggling a lot of plates at the moment, we'll see how things go.
Another event added!
The Coalition of the Horde is having it’s inaugural meeting on January 31st at 8PM MG ST (CST), 3rd floor of The Barracks, Valley of Honor, Orgrimmar.
Agenda includes:
- Guild events and on-goings;
- Community efforts and initiatives;
- A plan on what guilds and groups to assist or help;
- The state of Azeroth;
- Any other issues that need to be discussed.
Guild and community leaders are encouraged to attend and may bring two guests. Unguilded or unaffiliated people are also encouraged to attend.
This meeting is entirely in character only.
Contact: Algrubel, Rease, Tyrinade, Jab’trah
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There’s been some changes, folks!
Rose of Refuge Inn has been moved from every Tuesday, to
every Wednesday. Same time
(7PM ST), same location
(Rustberg Village, Tol Barad), Warmode off.
Reminder: This
Thursday is the Silvermoon City Tavern Tour; contact Luneth for more details.
Friday, Fizridge and friends bring us a celebration of losses in love at
Lunastre Estate, Suramar at
Also on
Friday at
7:30PM ST is the
Orgrimmar Market and Guild Expo, in the
Valley of Honor, Orgrimmar.
Flashbang Exports' Tavern Night is on
Saturday at
8-9PM ST, also in the
Valley of Honor, Orgrimmar.
Sunday brings us
Sermons to the Holy Light at
Tyr's Hand Chapel, Eastern Plaguelands at
2PM ST, as well as
The Valabar in
The Legerdemain Lounge, Old Dalaran at
February 25th at
8PM ST, Razor Hill, Durotar, Chieftain Algrubel Suntotem will lead a band of willing adventurers in escorting a caravan of goods to the Crossroads. It may seem easy, but times have changed, and threats abound!
World's Fair Carnival will be taking place from
March 14th to the 20th in
Maraat and Ramkahen, Uldum. Find out more here:
Forum Post and here:
Yo Ho! Pirates Life for Me!, a market in
Booty Bay, Stranglethorn Vale, will be happening on
March 28th, 8PM MG ST. This is cross faction and server friendly, as theywill have anchors. If this interests you the vendor form is
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Events. They are happening.
Indeed they are! I’ve been distracted with GM, DM and coordinator stuff lately so I’ve not made my usual posts on this thread, but there’s definitely a lot happening! Keep your eyes open for a big announcement soon for the Horde in particular!
If you aren’t sure about discord/which to join or just want to check out some of the local color, bookmark this thread and check back for events where you can observe or get involved.
You don’t have to be a social butterfly to roleplay like one!
Come join the fun.
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I wish there was an add-on that could be used for this sort of thing – like an enhancement for the in-game calendar that would add markers to dates you could click on like other in-game events and would pop out info on the side (like for raids, weekly events, timewalking, etc.)
It could get updates from like a Github repository or something to update in real time, that anyone coordinating an event could submit to.
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Ohhh, that would be amazing. I wonder what we would have to do to develop an add-on for it.
Could be even easier if there was a way to make an add-on that could grab info from Discord servers that elected to share information about certain events in a designated channel, I think.
Though for some reason we can’t convince the forum mods to pin threads anymore, reminder to check this calendar for updates, the dedicated Discord, or various other Discord’s channels that have it integrated!