MG Horde RP Scene

There usually is, but we are still in the beginning of an expac. You’ll usually find folks at the Wyvern’s Tail during evenings, but the valley gets filled during the expo nights or Flashbang’s Monday bar nights.

A lot of our regulars to the Valley of Honor are still out doing content, leveling mains and alts, or taking in the new expac.

It’ll pick up as people slow down on content and focus more toward RP.


That’s currently what they’ve taken to doing in a thread that conveniently is absent of their narcissism so that people don’t get to see what’s really going in this whole psychopathic tirade.

Nothing quite spells victory on the moral high ground like running away.


Sounds about right, two-facing for public opinion lmao.


Barely lasted a week and a half. I’m glad these manipulators are burning out quicker and quicker.


I already have more likes than him in his own thread.


If you’re having trouble finding walk up RP on MG Horde, it could be because of:

  • The location you’re looking
  • The time of day (peak hours are generally 6pm-10pm)
  • People are busy with new content

My suggestion to counter all of this is to join one of our MG Horde community discord groups. There you can talk to people OOC and ask about their characters, and when they’re planning to RP next. Jab’trah has created a directory here:

Another way to find casual walk-up is to attend a public RP event. Despite being called an event, many are just social occasions where we just try to gather people together in a specific location so you can roam around and talk to anyone that takes your fancy. With a smaller population, RP has to be a little more organised, but it can still be casual and fun.

Mirchea has created an MG Horde and neutral event calendar here:

I hope that is useful to anyone that is new to the server and is still learning that we do things a little differently here.


Lemme just…squeeze this on in here…



Yikes that cry for attention.

Not surprising they’ve decided to push a server vs server scenario. Just silly. They each have their own vibe. Each does what they do. They’re different in some ways and many others the same.

The End.
Thanks tho for the link Solflame.
Happy 2021 to you too.


Happy 2021 to you as well - at least I damn well hope so. :sweat_smile:


A directory that is cluttered, clunky, and honestly unappealing.

Imagine labeling something you don’t agree with as a psychopathic tirade just to appeal to the majority of valiant defenders and flagging a post because you cant handle it LOL

Honestly it’s really fun baiting you to revealing more and more of your hypocrisy, literally anyone from WrA or other servers could look at this thread and realize why the servers actually split.

Revealing the response to a outside figure spilling the truth of how MG actually works on the horde side goes to show that you are incapable of actually running a community.

To flip the script, no one with a sane mindset would respond as the rest of you do to a post like this if they were actually interested in doing more than being a big name.

How many others have all of you realistically tried to jump on and stomp out before they are able to damage your image by showing how you all operate huh?

You have tried to stop me at every turn, flagged posts, deleted discord posts, tried to deter me by banning me from one of your discords, threatened to unfriend me for such things, and now are using names because you can’t handle that I am here and will not be stopped.

Just deal with it, the inner workings of MG-H have been exposed and called out. Now change it or keep digging yourselves a hole by continuously proving me correct.

Personally I don’t really care who you are, a dev, a celebrity, a admin, or my best friend. I will not conform to your groups mentality, If you don’t like it. Tough.

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Well thank you for your enlightening point of view, we will keep it in mind for your future endeavors and projects as you’ve highlighted for us on paper your leadership and teamworking capabilities as well as personality.

One would normally take a hint at all of the above reasons you’ve listed that maybe we’re just not the right fit as a server for you as your attitude has made that abundantly apparent. Good luck, I hope the family situation gets better.


From doing what, exactly?


How much money did you spend on the website?

Three hundred dollars

Did I nail it, or did I nail it? Fricken predictable.

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Three hundred dollars for a website so you could try and dictate how people play make pretend Barbie dress-up on a computer game, lmao. That is really sad.

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Crizz, lets see your main cause getting on alts to post on a forum is cliché and before you say “this is my main.” not with 20k achievement points and 2 posts it aint.

Aren’t you doing the exact same thing?

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Nah, changed from horde to alliance. Check my posts on the main forums under “Shaanis”

That’s nice, but I won’t do that since you’re a lolcow regardless of whatever faction or server you play on. Prior to today I didn’t even know who you were; someone told me about a 200+ post thread about someone who blew $300 and I wasn’t disappointed.

Just go back to WRA if you don’t like Moon Guard.