Megathread: Ogres as Playable Allied race

So since we had an official stream on 8.2 earlier today, I’m hoping enough time has reasonably passed to make another reply to this thread.

I wanted to say, as I said in a few allied race megathreads, that 8.2 is hitting the PTR next week, so datamining parties will be happening and reporting information. As such, I’ll keep an eye on any Ogre information from PTR news and also when 8.2 officially hits servers. I’ll also join in discussions on other megathreads as we find more info on specific allied races.

That said, one thing I will say, as again I’ve said a few times, is that at the very least, there will be new war campaign questlines for Horde and Alliance, and regardless of what new allied races are forthcoming, they’ll likely require you to be up-to-date on your war campaign completions for each faction’s respective new allied races.

Hopefully we at least get news and clues of some sort for any new allied race in general, but as usual, I’ll always be rooting for Ogres regardless.

Heres hoping we find something! ^^

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Seems like there’s not really any horde leadership that favors her. That meeting in the outpost in northern Stormsong, I missed out on talking to three due to an LFR being ready, but everyone else was not a fan except maybe Gallywix, his concern was he could have gotten twice the price for the tickets.
Wish I could go back and talk to them all.

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I want a two headed option! I’ve asked for them to be a core race in the past, either way would be good. Shaman, Mage, Warlock, Warrior seem the most iconic to me.


So as I mentioned in two previous posts via an edit, I need to do some more research when I’m not sleep deprived and get Arathi and Alterac straightened out. In the near future, I’ll work on a scenario involving the Crushridge at a future date. The Boulderfist, looking at them, might be a bit more complicated than I thought, so I’ll have to look at them more as well. That said, I wanted to elaborate a bit more on the Ogre council idea.

So I mentioned in my scenario before that the clans would each have a leader that is represented in this council. The main reason a council occurs is that Tharg, having his Stonemaul clan go through two terrible leaders, wants to make sure that never happens again. At the suggestion of Draz’Zilb, thats the two headed smart Ogre in the Dustwallow Cataclysm quests, a council of the Ogre clan leaders can form and be a counter balance to anyone that may try to usurp leadership.

Tharg can still be the “leader” of the Ogre clans, but the council is what deals with Ogre affairs. After all, I recall the Blood Elves do something similar. The council likely wouldn’t be a huge deal as the Three Hammers, where each Dwarf is represented by completely different types of Dwarves, which is why Tharg can still act as the representative of the Ogre clans. Tharg can also just act as the talking head of whatever the council votes on.

Of course, a problem with my scenario is that Tharg would have put Draz’Zilb as the Gordunni leader, and that could cause some issues with the other Ogre clan leaders regarding trust.

As it is currently, I have four Ogre clans involved. Since it is an even number, it acts as a sort of counter balance. I don’t mean in the way of being adversaries for the sake of snubbing the other clans, but moreso in a way that one clan can’t try to get benefits at the expense of others. It would be real stupid for one of the leaders to try to cause an Ogre civil war. Not only would they have other clans to worry about, but the Horde would also shut them down, causing them to be dubious to the Ogre clans in general.

As such, order needs to be established along with cooperation between the clans that join the Horde. Nothing can be gained with dissension within the ranks. Besides, Horde leaders going rogue is a tired concept at this point, so the council’s leaders should be static and cooperative in general. Also, since we’d be getting Ogre female models, either the Dunemaul or Gorian clan would have a female leader to make the council a bit more diverse.

Ogre civilization evolving into a form of democracy is…an unexpected idea I didn’t really think I would ever consider, but it seems like it would work quite well. As usual, I’m sure there are debatable aspects, so it isn’t perfect.

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Same as i, but i don’t think there will be anything refered to ogres

Maybe there isa bit of hope with Rexxar, now that he is pissed off by Sylvanas actions

Hope is the last one to die right?

not saying its a bad idea, its good, i just don’t know if it will fit the ogre gladiator thematic (something that i want to push on with the allied race, since will be something more unique)

but i don’t think blizzard will give then that much attention to a point of forming a council, too much work that i don’t think they will do

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It seems like Ogres have a lot of Roman inspiration. Thus, something similar to a Roman forum/senate could work in a way. It’s not like this council would need to be active and everyone be everywhere all the time. It’s the reason that I would still have Tharg as the representative of the group for when Horde leaders are needed for different races.

Likely, if a council did actually get made, it would just be mentioned and shown once and then just referenced in the storyline occasionally. At the very least, it would be a nod to all the clans within the Horde.

Not a perfect solution, of course. That said, I am glad you mentioned the gladiator thematic, as I was thinking of typing up a little something about that and heritage armor in the near future. :smiley:

uh, i get it now

A senate/forum would be rly interesting to work on, and something unique among wow leadership

I, myself prefer emperors for the sake of simplicity, but that would be rly cool if it done right.

i put some pics of wha i would imagine of a gladiator heritage armor, not that good, but i think it should be around that mixed with roman centurion theme

something like this


An emperor setting could work, but then I would wonder how many of the clans have such a leadership. Most of the clans already part of the Horde have warlords, with the Gorian clan previously having an empire in Draenor, if I recall correctly. It doesn’t mean there can’t be a single Ogre leader, of course, and I still think Tharg would fit the bill regardless if it’s just Stonemaul that join or if multiple clans are rallied.

And speaking of the gladiators, we have a lot of material to work with in that regard as there are several types of gladiators that existed in antiquity. Since I can’t seem to post images yet, or even just links to them, if you do a google search for “gladiator types” you’ll see all different kinds of them. Murmillo, Hoplomachus, Thraex, and more all can offer some creative ideas for heritage armor.

That said, some of the Ogres in game do have armor that is gladiator-like, similar to what I mentioned. A heritage armor could take concepts from a few actual gladiator types, and then put an Ogre spin on them. It I were the creative type, it would be a lot of fun to come up with something.

While this video does not talk about all gladiator types, it does go over quite a few of them:

Gladiators in general are a fun concept to read about. ^^

Were it up to me, I’d include ogres this way:

  • During the late stages of the War Campaign, the “good” side of the Horde bands together. This includes Baine, Saurfang (if he’s alive), Rokhan, Thrall and Rexxar.
  • They need more forces, thought, so Rexxar asks you to go with him to Dustwallow, to call on aid of the Stonemaul clan.
  • The Stonemaul has grown a lot. Without Theramore or Onyxia’s brood to worry about, they made a big coastal city in the mountains southeast of Dustwallow (there’s a lot of available space there to build a city). The city uses the architecture of Highmaul and Draenor’s ogres.
  • The city is in turmoil, however, because many other ogre clans have come to it, and, due to Grimtotem tauren manipulation, the many ogre leaders are fighting among themselves while the Grimtotem leads frequent attacks to the city.
  • With your help, Rexxar claims the title of chieftain of the Stonemaul once again and beats the other clan leaders, turning them into vassals. Then, you lead the ogres to expel the Grimtotem tauren from Dustwallow, securing the zone for them.
  • The Stonemaul and the ogre clans fight for the Horde against whatever will be the threat in the end of BfA.
  • Then, after the above storyline is done and you are Exalted with the Stonemaul, you can invite the ogres formally into the Horde and do their recruitment story.

If a coastal city were created, I could see the nearby neutral Goblins at Mudsprocket wanting to take advantage of the situation in some fashion. They should have some sort of a presence, and the head Goblins can still be decked out in bling because of it.

Speaking of the Grimtotem, if they are still in the area, and I assume they’re still enemies of the Horde, that could be another thing to contend with. I should consider that for my scenario I wrote up.

Your scenario is a neat idea in general. Maybe all the Ogre clans come there for the drinks and colosseum fights going on. ^^

The Mudsprocket goblins would like to have trade partners in the ogres. They are neutral, after all. I imagine that the Stonemaul would flourish in the lack of enemies, attracting other not so succesfful ogres. But then the Grimtotem start to take notice of the ogres and try to create infighting among them.

It’s a simple storyline that provides everything we need: ogre skin diversity, an ogre city with Draenor architecture and, of course, playable ogres. :slight_smile:

BTW, when you have time, check out the southeastern mountains between Dustwallow and THousand Needles. It’s a perfect place to build up a mountainous/coastal ogre city in the old world, providing two things ogres love: rocks and boats.


Just as I fully support Alliance High Elves I also fully support Ogres. They are long, long overdue.


The thought of a coastal city gives me the image of a bunch of Ogres in swim trunks on lounge chairs sipping out of coconuts with umbrellas as tropical beach music plays, and I am very amused with it. The Stonemaul, at least, need a good vacation with all the stuff they’ve been through. :smiley:

id like to see ogres added as a core race in 9.0 to get the treatment they deserve(core race status, great model)

sadly i cannot reciprocate your support for alliance high elves. i do not want to play world of pale pretty elvescraft

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I’ve been thinking on that some, and I feel like they may work better as a core race than just an allied race. Don’t get me wrong, I’d be fine with them as an allied race and I’d be getting Ogres either way, but as a core race, they might get more love and work done on them.

It’s something I’ll type out more of as I think on it as it’ll take me awhile to analyze and organize my thoughts. It also would depend on an official definition of what a core race and an allied race is, and what exactly is suppose to make core and allied races different other than allied races needing to be unlocked.


I want a Pina Coloda now.

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Yhmm lets recap. High elf thread has 5k posts. This one has 480 with 110 post by 2 people…safe to say no one wants ugly ogres.

But unlike the High Elves, Blizzard hasn’t said no to Ogres.


No point in adding them. Only like 5 people would want to play them. Big races like tauren already have issues with hit boxes and getting stuck in doors.

I don’t have a problem with High Elves, myself. A lot of people want them, and it has been a very uphill battle showing support for them.

That said, I realize Ogres wouldn’t be the most popular race ever. Heck, there are four other megathreads that have a lot more popularity than ours. Doesn’t mean that I won’t stop showing support for them, and if you look through the thread, there have been people that have posted support for them.

I respect people’s opinions. It’s fine if they aren’t your cup of tea. ^^