Megathread: Ogres as Playable Allied race

The alliance have high elves. They however don’t like their skin color. But they still got high elves.

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So regarding idle animations for Ogres, I’d love to see them occasionally scratch their butt. It brings back some good Everquest memories and would totally fit them. Gives them some character through animations, even.

Doesn’t mean they can’t be classy, of course. :V

If you are going to pull numbers from where you sit you have nothing to say here

5k of posts made by the same 5-10 people too, so?

100 likes is more than “5 people” who would want to play an ogre

but of course, i would expect an elf player to just care about “pretty races” you give your race bad reputation.


We need a 2nd Ogre megathread, one that supports two headed ogre as a customization option.

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This is one of the main reasons that I feel like Ogres being a core race, as opposed to an allied race, might be better overall.

As an allied race, it would be likely that they would be getting the Kul Tiran treatment, in that Ogres would get only one head customization and something rushed out for the next patch. I would like to think that as a core race, Ogres would be given a lot of time to work on with animations, storylines, and customization options.

Of course, as I mentioned before, two-headed Ogre customization would be a challenge to actually develop for. I have to wonder if that would be an option at launch or if it would be an unlockable customization later on that you can change in the barbershop, to give more time to work on it. I know that if they don’t have two-headed Ogre customization, that people will be questioning it a lot. On the other hand, there is a lot to consider and work around to get a two-headed playable race working.

Another thing is that as a core race, there could be pre-expansion events, like I mentioned in my scenarios, involving the Ogres to tie up loose ends in the different plots and to give them a reason to officially become Horde members, with the Horde oath taken and having more of a presence overall. If not pre-expansion events, it can be part of the Ogre newbie questlines, or a combination of both.

That said, Ogres could still work as an allied race, although one of the themes of allied races are races not actually part of the Horde that you work to get them into the Horde. You can still use the Ogres already in the Horde of course, Stonemaul clan in particular, but that can be an argument to making them a core race.

From the sound of it, we will get both core and allied races in the future. Honestly, given that Ogres are one of the original members of the Horde, I’m leaning towards them being a core race. As I said before, I’d be fine with them as an allied race because then I’d get playable Ogres regardless.

I’ve seen a number of people want two-headed Ogres, so I would like to ask for your thoughts and ideas regarding working around them. This should be the place to discuss it to let your voices be heard. After all, Blizzard is getting feedback from these megathreads. ^^

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I’m of the opinion that is better to have one-headed ogres than no ogres at all. I see no problem with two-headed ones being NPC-only. I don’t feel they are really necessary, and their inclusion would make the race way less likely to be added.


As I mentioned before, if we have a race that has a one and two headed variant, what needs to be done in this case? There are two main issues that I see.

  1. You need to account for designing both heads. Do you allow players to design both heads separately, or do you have the second head based on the other head? (similar to Worgen and their human form)

  2. You now have two sets of helmets to design with every helmet graphic in the game. One for one-headed Ogres and one for two-headed Ogres. That is quite the undertaking.

Can it be done? I’m sure with enough time and creativeness, something could be done to do it. Would it be easy? Likely not. The chances would be more likely with Ogres as core race, but I can’t say how realistic it would be to get them.

This is how I personally feel. That isn’t to say I want to discredit anyone wanting two-head Ogre options. I still hope those wanting two-headed Ogres will post in here and offer ideas and such. ^^

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I think the biggest challenge with two heads is how to not make the helmets clip through each other like hell. Plus, there’s less space between shoulders and necks, so they’d also clip through many shoulder pads.

Not to mention that there would be people asking for a way to wear two different helmets, or wear helmet on only one head. Transmogging could get really weird.


Honestly, I’d rather not have Ogres at all if they don’t come with a two-headed customization option. Though I agree that perhaps a core race would be more appropriate rather than an Allied race. Then again Kul Tirans were pretty much made from scratch so Allied races don’t seem to be limited to existing models. Anyway I think not giving players the option for two-heads would be a giant fail on Bliz end, as it’s one of (not only) the features that makes the race unique.

And when I suggest two-heads as an option I’m doing so with the potential of having each head customized individually. So if you wanted an ogre with both heads having the 1 eye look you could do so. This in itself would be a massive boon in character customization options. Game play wise however the easiest option would be to have a single head piece duplicated for both heads (no stats just the appearance). And keep in mind they had to redo all the armor fitting for Kul Tirans, so doing so for two-headed Ogre wouldn’t be that much of a feat.


Ogres being a core race would lead me to believe that enough time between whatever the current expansion is and whatever expansion Ogres would come in would, in theory, give the teams that work on the character models enough time to work on both one-headed and two-headed playable models.

With Kul Tirans, I mentioned them because only the big models are playable, as opposed to having the option of having different body sizes playable. Part of it I think is that they were an allied race, but also because there was a deadline to get them playable. I am curious if things would be different if time was not a factor.

Ogres would need new models regardless of being a core or allied race. Ogre males just need some work on the current models while female Ogres would need to be made from scratch. If they were planned as an allied race, then I would worry about there being a lack of time to flesh the models out, let alone making four of them. (Male and female with one and two headed variants of each)

I think it would be very possible to make two-headed Ogres, but a worry would be whether Blizzard would consider it time well spent to do so, or to just make one-headed variants. It’s a reason I feel like Ogres being a core race would get a better chance of getting better treatment than as an allied race.

That said, if we view them as a core race, the announcement of one or two heads for Ogres would raise a lot of hype. It would make people wonder “Wow, how did they do that?!” and would make the Ogre race more unique in that regard. So, there is a benefit to actually making the two heads work.

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I was one of those players that thought Ogre couldn’t work as a playable race, but the Kovork Kostume toy proved me wrong. They have great models, amazing animations and look really good in all types of armor.

I really do hope Horde get them as playable in the future.


I mean lets be honest, the ratio of players who would play a two-headed ogre to those playing a one head would be stark to say the least. And that in itself should tell you the route they should go with Ogre. That’s not to say that no one would play a one head ogre, but they would be rare lol


My Ogre would be with just one head, but that doesn’t mean I would want to deny those who want to play with the two-headed option. Honestly, in thinking on it more, it’s been a long time since we had new core races, and having the option on one or two heads would increase hype and be refreshing as part of the new core races that would come out.


MORE OGRES, MORE WOW! (No, we should stay as NPCs!)



One of the common problems people bring up with Ogres is that of doors and height. Often saying that Blizzard would have to redesign all the doors and that Ogres would be too big to ever be a playable race.

If we make them roughly bigger than the size of male Kul Tirans, then it shouldn’t be a problem, but if they want to just make sure doors aren’t a problem at all and keep them at a decent height, there is a solution.

Just have them duck when entering doors.

They don’t have to slow down when ducking, and I would hope it wouldn’t be too hard to implement. It would also just give them a bit of character through animations.

That said, getting a reasonable height shouldn’t really require such a method to be developed. As I said before, height in the game is…weird. You have NPC’s that should be regular height, but are towering over you for gameplay purposes. There are also different sizes of Ogres, so there is something to work with here.

That said, there are workarounds to making Ogre height work. I don’t expect them to be towering giants, but they should be reasonably big enough. ^^


Stop spamming. You are almost literally, the ONLY person in this topic. No one cares (clearly), other than you.

Constantly bumping a thread, for the purpose of keeping it relevant on the front of the forums- is spam. There is no actual activity here.

The whole point of the megathreads are to be floating ideas regarding the race the thread is focused on, which is why I keep adding to it. It’s not really spamming in that regard, and in particular I also only do it when a reasonable amount of time has passed.

That said, if you don’t like Ogres, I can respect that it wouldn’t be your cup of tea. Nothing is making you visit the thread, however, so feel free to not come to it.


Flagon of Mead makes you a Vrykul shoulder and head taller than a Kul Tiran and I’ve not seen any door issues.

The ducking idea is a good one as well, but the height mentioned above would work great for Ogres and Vrykul both.


I also think these guys would be cool. Pair them with Alliance High Elves.


I think at the worst case, the height of Ogres would be something that just clips through the the top of a door. That said, it’s good to hear that there aren’t many door issues with this particular size. If anything, the flagon of mead could just make Ogres a bit more taller than the usual height it would make them. ^^

I agree. The ducking thing isn’t practical, funny as it would be to see. It is, however, a reason why the whole door issue for Ogres and Vrykul wouldn’t be as difficult as people state. I still think a reasonable height for both could be achieved.

As I stated before, I worry about whatever race would get paired with High Elves, given how popular they would be. Not against them at all, of course. ^^

At any rate, another thought I wanted to write about is Tharg, the leader of the Stonemaul and the main Ogre I would have as the leader of sorts for whatever Ogre clans would be what playable Ogres are based on.

As mentioned previously, it was heavily implied that Tharg becomes the leader of the Stonemaul after the questline finishes in Dustwallow Marsh. His main concern during the questline was getting his home back from the dragonkin that caused the Ogres to abandon their home in the first place. Draz’Zilb, again the smart Ogre you get some quests from in Dustwallow, is the biggest supporter for Tharg to become the leader.

Draz’Zilb does mention that Tharg is old and has some injuries, however. What problems come from this is not really explained, but he still believes that Tharg is quite capable of being the leader regardless. Because of this, it is likely that any injuries Tharg has shouldn’t be too much of a hindrance to be a ruler of a race that believes in their leaders being strong. Him being old can at least make him wiser…well, as wise as an Ogre can be.

Tharg could work as a leader, regardless of whether it is just the Stonemaul or multiple clans, and he just needs his personality and character to be fleshed out. He obviously cares about his own people and his home, and this can easily tie in to him becoming leader. He would likely be extremely grateful to the Horde for once again helping his people, and could be the honorable type to help repay his clan’s debt with the Horde by assisting with whatever needs to be done. This is already shown in Feralas, where the Stonemaul clan is helping the Horde scout out and help in getting Dire Maul for the Horde.

Of course, as he is right now, he looks like a generic Ogre. He would need a new model with some unique armor were he to become a Horde leader. On his personality, he would still miss his home after we would assist the Stonemaul in getting it back, but he is happy to have a home. Not just in Dustwallow, but in the Horde itself. He should be proud to be a part of the Horde and happy to assist with what the Horde asks of him, which if Sylvanas is still warchief and there is a coup, I’m sure his clan would be helpful in many ways.

Ultimately, Tharg needs some fleshing out, but I can see him working well as a leader for Ogres.

On another note, 8.2 should be hitting PTR soon. We may likely not see anything Ogre related, but it still is exciting to find any clues for allied races in general. ^^