Still worse than it was before. Thank you so much!
For what?
It is not a bug and he didnt say that it was.
They intentionally added a respawn time. Saw that the backlash was higher than they wanted and are lessening the respawn time that they added.
It will still be slower than it was before they added a respawn time.
Why change something that was not broken in the first place? that is about as stupid an idea that someone can come up with. secondly, it doesnt stop players from waiting until someone has picked up aggro of a nearby mob to pick up said item to gank it from them. the hotfix does nothing. at. all. clearly the person running the show has some serious brain damage or hates the playerbase, pure incompetency on a level i never thought possible.
Meh. It’s a quest in the Maw. The Maw is no fun to me so I don’t spend time there unless I have to. “No one escapes the maw!!!” Oh ok…teleports out …cool.
Took me like 10 minutes to finish this quest together with the one of the 20 souls, i dont see an issue.
Both quests were working just fine before the change.
Just revert it back to being lootable my multiple players, FFS. Why are there still quests revolving around first-come-first-serve logic that literally make players hate everyone else around them?? This is objectively terrible quest design in an MMO.
Why can’t you just make them shared again and revert the malicious change to pad your metrics in the first place?
But why? Why are we regressing long standing quality of life changes to an old way of doing it? Where is the vitality in these being first come?
This style of loot simply increases competition and possibly toxicity, if you have individuals fighting and performing sneaky tricks to get an item out from under someone else. With an all-can-grab item, if one person is clearing a pack of mobs near an item, and someone else swoops in and loots it and swoops out, after the mobs are dead, the first person can still loot it no problem.
First serve completely wipes that away, forcing tricky encounters and weird plays to get the item then kill the mobs or encourages training to get someone else aggroed to them while you sneak the loot.
And it makes for an all around worse experience for the playerbase.
My suggestion is to keep first serve to games like classic, and keep the quality of life changes in retail, where the main players of it are used to them.
I appreciate the fix, but maybe tell your superiors not to pull stunts like this again?
There was no reason for the change in the first place, and your fix should be “we’re reverting it to the way it was” not “we’re making it somewhat less worse.”
This is the essence of the issue.
And with changes like this, I just lessen my time in the game. I will skip things that have been purposely changed to simply make things take longer. (If it had been changed like a DAY after the quest went live… that would be different… but these have had this behavior since launch).
There is no feasible reason to make this change. And if there IS a feasible, logical, sensible reason… then Blizzard, I’m more than willing to LISTEN.
But “fixing” something you made miserable by making it somewhat less miserable is hardly a fix, when it wasn’t really miserable to start with.
Basically I call BS on this “issue” and its purported “fix”…
Yeah but this is an issue Blizz created. Not once have I heard it being an issue up to this point.
Will respawn quickly? Instead of will revert to its previous state? Why even change it in the first place? This is pretty blatant, and I think it’s clear your community is getting real sick of garbage like this.
The why is apparently that the original function was causing server issues. As per Vrakthis:
The game should be free if they do stuff like this.
But I mean come on, can you blame them? They’re only a small indy development company that’s fairly new to the MMO market.
It’s not like they haven’t had the biggest selling MMO for 15 years running . . . If they had that sort of experience, then I’d agree with you.
This is not the first quest that has shared nodes. I don’t pretend to know how their infrastructure is setup. But the right thing to do is not to regress customer experience but to fix the root problem. The fact other quests with shared nodes aren’t causing this issue but this one is means something else is wrong.
I’m passing along information as stated. If you have an issue with it, by all means discuss it, but you’re indicating on one hand you don’t have enough of a picture to evaluate the issue and on the other hand that you do. Not a viable position to take.
Vrak is someone I’ve relied on for years and years to tell the simple, unvarnished truth. He doesn’t mince words and he doesn’t play games. If he says it was due to server issues? It was probably due to server issues.
I’m curious what insights there are for why this change was made in the first place.
World Questing in BfA was a lot less irritating than it was in 8.3, and had most to do with the way objects in the world could or couldn’t be shared.
When objects that are required for a world quest are not at least faction-shared, it encourages antagonistic and degenerate gameplay. A Blood Elf Priest that may be trying to interact with the object may have to deal with the Blood Trolls or Black Empire Cultists around it and may be unable to ‘open’ the object if they are receiving melee hits. The Orc Warrior who also wants the objective has the incentive to let the Blood Elf Priest, who he is now in competition with, deal with the enemies and take the object right out from under him.
The Blood Elf Priest has been punished for playing the game as intended, since he has actually engaged the enemies near his objective, but now his chance to progress is gone, and he has to find another. The Orc Warrior has been rewarded for playing in a way that is opportunistic, but degenerate, since he is now encouraged to continue doing this. Also, the Blood Elf Priest is now encouraged to do the same.
When the objectives can be shared by many players, it encourages cooperative play. The Orc Warrior and the Blood Elf Priest don’t have to group up or say a word to each other, but the Orc Warrior may very well be willing to aid the Blood Elf Priest in defeating its foes, since the result is both of them get the reward.
Blizzard need to stop shooting themselves in the foot. If this was a server issue then they needed to mitigate the fix as much as possible and not wait until the forums blow up and THEN try to alleviate it. Because as it stands their behaviour looks absolutely malicious. But then again, incompetence isn’t a good look either.